What does UW Madison look for in admissions?

Hi, I am currently a 10th grader in high school. I am enrolled in rigorous classes and an AP class, in debate, student government (I am the leader), health occupations club, Democratic League, international club, Link Crew, spring tennis, and debate (going to nationals too). I also volunteered at the homeless shelter, volunteered at a camp that helped kids with disabilities for 2 weeks, and will volunteer at the hospital this summer. My GPA this year was low at a 3.78 (unweighted). Is this a good for Madison?


Academics are the most important. This means continuing to take the most rigorous classes and doing well in them. Plus doing well on the ACT/SAT tests when you take them. Your junior year will be the last year admissions will see when you submit your application so make it your best one. It looks like you are keeping active- things you presumably chose because you like them. Just make sure they never interfere with doing well in classes. It looks like you can handle an academic load plus have time for fun. Keep up the good work.

No one can guarantee your gpa/test scores will mean admission. But, looks good so far. Keep on learning (gaining a good foundation of knowledge and skills) and good study habits. Those will serve you well in college. Be sure your essays answer the questions asked and show you have interest (believe it or not there have been those who indicate they really don’t want to go to UW per a CC poster a few years ago).

IMO a 3.78 unweighted GPA is not “low”. It is right on target for what the UW is looking for. Good luck in your junior year!

Definitely put effort into essay because this can make you stand out amongst other applicants. Check your HS Naviance in order to correlate your gap and colllege entrance exams. This is only a guide but no one cane tell you for sure. Good Luck.

Have reported #2 to CC. Perfect essays is NOT what you want. You want them to reflect who you are. Everyone, no matter how successful, will look back at their early efforts in essays (if they even bothered to keep a copy), reports, papers and see how they could have done them better. UW knows you are a HS senior crafting your essay, you are not expected to produce a professional looking one- and that could raise red flags about your honesty et al.

Bottom line. Worth doing the application. Need other schools for backup as all students do.

I see you attend the school! Are you in state or OOS? Im in state.