What essay did you choose/write for Andover?

<p>What'd you guys choose?</p>

<p>I chose the one about something you though you knew for sure but of which you are no longer certain.</p>


<p>The invention about the ultimate boarding school tool. :D</p>

<p>i did the life biography but last year i did the something you knew for sure, but ur not certain of anymore (:</p>

<p>the boarding school tool? haha a pic or the essay?</p>

<p>The essay, I wish I couldve done both</p>

<p>The one about the matter I thought I knew for sure but was no longer certain. That was my favorite application essay!! :)</p>

<p>Everyone who applied post!!!</p>

<p>I did the one about the GREEN CUP CHALLENGE. It was one of the more enjoyable essays!</p>

<p>Green cup challenge…boring essay to me lol but w.e</p>

<p>I wrote the autobiography. Very moving.</p>

<p>The one about something you thought for sure, but aren’t now. I wrote about gay marriage, xD</p>

<p>Research paper. :D</p>

<p>Not sure about gay marriage how?</p>

<p>Cool, yeah what stance did you take on gay marriage? And Saer whatd you write about? If you guys don’t mind sharing…</p>

<p>I wrote about how I invented a treatment that virtually cured bipolar disorder, especially in teens and children. But mostly about how I was proud that despite years of long hours, research, and spending too much time with my patients (almost a second family), I still raised 4 healthy kids and have been married happily. My biggest point of pride? Paying for every cent of my kid’s education, something my mom can’t do and I don’t expect her to.</p>

<p>I do really want 4 kids, I do want to treat bipolar disorder, and I REALLY want to pay for my children’s education, so it was the right essay for me. :D</p>

<p>that is moving! I really like the transcending generations part with paying for your kids’s education. Also finding the cure for bipolar disorder is a awesome goal. If you accomplish that youd be supermom literally! 4 kids!</p>

<p>Well, it was the one that asked about something I wasn’t sure about. So I wrote about how when I lived in Massachusetts and was younger, I had this really narrow minded view on homosexuality and even if I wasn’t a homophobe or anything, I didn’t really think about the ethics involved in gay marriage. And then I added how after I got older and became close friends with a gay guy, I got more interested in the whole issue and now I’m really not sure what to think, because my Catholicsm upbringing makes me oppose the whole thing, but this logical side of me thinks its fair for them to have the same rights as we do.</p>

<p>Haha, thanks, it’s really what I’m hoping for- I wanna be a psychiatrist!</p>

<p>Ahahha, really? Same xD Either that or a criminal justice attorney… Er, those are kind of different, huh? I wanted to volunteer at the Psychiatry Hospital next to my house, but um, I don’t think they’ll let me.</p>

<p>haha, yea they probably wouldn’t let you…</p>