What exactly is the Ross BBA Dual Degree program?

For some reason, I can’t find a lot of information about what the program actually is. I can only find information on how to apply and the requirements. Does a student in the program have a major in Ross and another major from another college? Why does it start from sophomore year onward? If I know I want to do engineering but I’m also a little interested in business, should I apply to it? And what does it mean that I’ll have to “select the Ross School of Business as their Home School” if I get into the program? Will it be possible for me to drop down to just engineering later if I don’t like the program?

Is it like the M&T program at Penn? The M&T website has a lot of information about what their program is.

Thanks! Sorry there are so many questions, but I’m really confused by what this is.

The website isn’t super clear; you should probably talk to someone in administration about the dual degree program between business and engineering. You do have to apply to both degree program independently. I would say that a dual degree is not for someone who is not sure it is what they want to do. The dual degree takes longer than a regular degree, and is going to be pretty difficult. If you know you want engineering, you could consider a minor in business. However, you can’t apply for the minor until end of sophomore year, and it is a competitive admission process. Ross has more barriers to entry/coursework than business programs at some other universities. Admission is competitive whether for a major or a minor, and if you aren’t sure business is for you, it isn’t always easy to explore your interests and make up your mind if you want to major in business or not. And if you don’t get into the minor program when you want to, then you are shut out of most of the business classes.

@intparent Thank you for your information. Is the program anything like M&T at Penn? (if you’re familiar with that). M&T is basically an accelerated dual degree tract that let’s you pick any major you want in engineering and any major in business.

Also, if I get in and I decide that I don’t want to do it later, is it easy to drop out to just engineering? I am nervous that the website says you have to “select the Ross School of Business as my Home School” if you get into the program.

Alright thanks. It looks like it would be best for me not to do this program since I’m not even sure if I want to study business alongside engineering.

I think the reason you can’t find information about the “program” is because it is not a “program.” You can apply for and complete two degrees if you want, but it’s not a special program that you get admitted to as a program. Ross provides some guidance for students who would like to complete a BBA and a bachelor’s of something else (e.g., engineering, political science, art, music, philosophy, whatever, etc.) http://www2.bus.umich.edu/MyiMpact/academics/bba-dual/prospective
But it’s not a program, as in “we accept 50 students into the dual degree program …” type of thing. If you get into two different schools within Michigan and want to pursue undergrad degrees in both, then you are pursuing a dual degree.