<p>In my rejection letter back in late March, they mentioned a "personalized transfer plan." What exactly does this mean, and how do I take advantage of it? I've looked through some of the threads on here, and none of them are particularly helpful. </p>
<p>On USConnect, there's an option to book a transfer information session. Is that the same thing? It seems to be just a presentation given to a whole bunch of people.</p>
<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. :)</p>
<p>I’ve heard it’s a special transfer plan where as long you complete certain credits during your first and/or second year at a college with the satifactory grades and GPA required you will be “guaranteed” a spot. Usually this because of legacy, did you have any family members attend or currently attend USC?</p>
<p>If you are interested in the Trojan transfer plan call admission and set up an appointment to see what you need to do to transfer. To be honest, that was something that you should have done immediately so that SC would know that you are (a)serious in applying and (b)timely in your response. </p>
<p>Generally speaking the plan involves certain schools with articulation agreements with SC, gpa requirements and transferable credits.</p>
<p>hey im actually working under the trojan transfer plan right now! basically its given if you are a legacy and in the trojan family. However i have seen people receive it because they had good high school grades but weren’t given admission.
i actually found no information about the plan on here either so i was really confused going in, but basically in june you get to set up an appointment with a counselor. they run through the articulation agreement with the college or university you are going to attend the first year (i chose a cc to save money and get a high gpa) and plan out your first year. its very brief…maybe 30 minutes long but definitely informative. anyone can transfer in a year but only people given this trojan transfer plan can meet with the counselor.
you sign this form and it spells out what you need to do to have a “high confidence” of admittance. maintain higher than a 3.6 gpa, complete 30-32 units, that kind of stuff
you should definitely take advantage of it 
if you have any questions, feel free to message me</p>
<p>is there an email to a counselor you can talk to inorder to do the transfer plan via emaiL??</p>