What five words best describe you?

<p>I am sooo curious about what everyone put for these! Also, this sounds terrible but, were you 100% honest about your answer? If not, what WOULD you have put?</p>

<p>Anyway, here's mine:</p>

<p>Imaginative, intense, hodgepodge, odd, eager</p>

<p>Mind were more or less honest -- I should have underlined "odd" though...</p>


<li>What did you put?</li>
<li>Were you honest?</li>
<li>If you weren't, what truly are the five words that best describe you?</li>

<p>NO ONE? Come on people!</p>

<p>Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U Penn, and Georgetown :D</p>

<p>haha, jk</p>

<p>My daughter’s were: Organized, creative, introspective, cautious and comical</p>


<p>I was thinking about putting “Stanford-bound” as a joke, but I was scared I would come across as cocky</p>


<p>Mine were totally honest.</p>

<p>did you really put a #6? That’s hilarious!</p>


<p>i like cacciato’s lol. I also like ‘rule-breaker’</p>

<p>I dont remember exactly what I wrote, but im pretty sure it was:</p>


<p>mine were definitely honest</p>

<p>Yes I really did put #6 haha
It’s not entirely honest, but it was too good of an answer to pass up</p>

<p>1.) Inquisitive
2.) Creative
3.) Passionate
4.) Kind
5.) Insightful</p>

<p>Yes, they were honest.</p>

<p>1) Honest
2) Lighthearted
3) Serious
4) Contemplative
5) Creative</p>

<p>Mine is honest; it’s stated right there in the first one :p.</p>

4) Amiable
5) Decisive</p>

<p>*wishing i put inquisitive or contemplative now that i think about it. w/e what’s done is done. :)</p>

<p>That’s a good question… I don’t even remember. Let me look it up…</p>

<p>Ambitious, leader, detail-oriented, motivated, surprising.</p>

<p>Whimsical, aqueous, enterprising, morally fibrous, germane</p>

<p>I regret not putting liminal.</p>

<p>Ambitious. Considerate. Assiduous. Dedicated. Confident.</p>

<p>Totally honest there. I think all those characteristics are manifested in my essays and short answers, which probably assures the adcoms about the validity of these words. =]</p>

<p>“aqueous” :)</p>

<p>You’re not a swimmer, are you?</p>

<p>Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.</p>

<p>lego, Led [fans], mercurial, sarcasm, sourdough</p>

<p>I put:</p>

<p>“Indescribable in merely five words (oops)”</p>

<p>I think it might distinguish me from everyone else who picked “Motivational, Inquisitive, Quirky, etc”</p>

<p>Whether or not I’m distinguished in a positive or negative way, who knows. ;(</p>