<p>I'm sure some of your friends don't drink, smoke, and play video games all day, haha. Actually, I feel super lucky. A girl from my school also got in, so it's just awesome going to 8 years of school together. Haha...</p>
<p>Yay!! haha...when I say MIT some people in my area think MTI...the local vocational school...My parents have gotten into arguments with friends and such about this.</p>
<p>the tubes were sent out today (monday). ben jones posted it in the 2012 FB group forum. it was delayed cause of the blizzard up in boston and all that.</p>
<p>yeah... that means i wont get it until at the earliest thursday. i dont know about the rest of the country, but louisiana usps is SLOW.</p>
<p>aww boo no wonder why there wasn't one today >.< i thought it might have gotten lost in the snow around my driveway lol</p>
<p>lol i rushed home from school for nothing.
i think wednesday will be the earliest i can get it. (maybe?)</p>
<p>oh yeah, btw, i totally understand the ignorance of people.. lol.. i bet only 5% of my class knows what MIT is.. <em>sigh</em></p>
<p>A tube would have been better than any christmas gift I might get :-p But alas.....the poster I think would be the coolest part. Are the RA acceptances normal (if you can call an acceptance from MIT normal!) folers or big envelopes and whatnot?</p>
<p>*Oh and along the lines of improper names: One girl in my class always calls it michigan institute of technology or MIT Tech (at least thats close)....but she's not even consistant....however, out of my class of roughly 30, most of them know what MIT is ;)</p>
<p>haha yes! I have heard that many times upon telling my classmates where I want to go to school. I can't tell you how many times they've said, "Michigan Tech? I thought you were smart."
oh man, if only they knew</p>
<p>yeah Tong, I think the poster has a future right above my desk, too.</p>
<p>well... i got my chicago "thick envelope" today. to be honest, i was disappointed. it was not thick at all. : (</p>
<p>lol caltech's "thick" envelope is pretty weak too</p>
<p>Yes.. but the Caltech folder is very attractive .. I think .. I highly doubt its attractive enough to steal me from MIT.. but the design is very nice and simple and orange and gray are awesome colors.. if I didn't have a tube forthcoming I'd be very likely to be drawn to it all</p>
<p>yeah the Caltech folder is pretty sharp. the handwritten note isn't too bad either haha</p>
<p>UChicago's folder looked...idk...stately? it <em>was</em> thicker than Caltech's</p>
<p>But I can't wait for the MIT TUBE!!!!!!!</p>
<p>yea i guess it was alright, it's just that everything pales in comparison to the tube</p>