<p>Brandon submitted his Notre Dame online app regular decision last night . . . without having someone look it over. </p>
<p>Now that he's 18, he thinks he knows absolutely everything, of course. </p>
<p>Anyway . . . </p>
<p>Brandon was recently named to our county's high school All-Star football team. I thought it was a quite significant award, from a county that produces such football players as Dionne Sanders and Jevon Kearse. I felt like he should have included it; he forgot about it. </p>
<p>There is no way to add this to his app now, right?</p>
<p>Would it be too ridiculous to ask him to request that the teacher who writes his recommendation perhaps mention it? </p>
<p>Or should I even worry about it?</p>
<p>I don't think it would be riddiculous. Further you could ask the counselor to definitely include that award in their letter. If necessary, have him email his adcom or call the office to add that to his application. </p>
<p>Admissions Offices are generally very receptive to this sort of thing and it is not a unique occurence.</p>
<p>IMO, he should just send them a brief letter with the addition. It may get overlooked in the counselor's report, though it should be there, too.</p>
<p>Thank you so much, everyone. I think we will try calling or writing the Admissions Office and asking the guidance counselor to include it in her report.</p>
<p>I have one more question related to thisl:</p>
<p>It's quite possible Brandon will be named MVP of his school football team, but we won't know till December 3. </p>
<p>Should we just wait until then to notify Notre Dame, so we can submit both awards at the same time, if he's fortunate enough to win MVP - and not bother the admissions office twice?</p>
<p>I very much appreciate all of the help!</p>
<p>My daughter was in the same situation last week at UND! She had forgotten to mention something I felt was critical, so I called the admissions officer assigned to our State and he very nicely told me that Notre dame accepts any additional information the student feels is necessary for the school to fully understand what she is all about. I would suggest sending a newspaper clipping if you have one, along with a quick typed note from your son explaining that he is sending it along to "Help UND fully uderstand who he is and how he can contribute to the UND family". Don't forget, UND is HUGE on intramurals as well as the varsity recruits. So they would view that very favorably. If you do not have a clipping, the school may have something online on their sports webpage or something that can be printed out. Hope this helps.</p>
<p>When older S applied RD to colleges, he got several awards that came after the applications had been submitted. In Feb., I had him mail send an update letter to the colleges including that info and also emphasizing his continued interest in the colleges. I think it's best to snail mail such info because e-mails are easily overlooked as are phone calls.</p>
<p>If the colleges are rolling admission, the update info should be sent as soon as new achievements are made.</p>