What is college like?! Is it super hard?



<p>Commuter version: Drive to school. Go to class. Nobody really talks, class starts. Take notes. Class ends. Go home. Repeat.</p>

<p>Well in college, every class is an “AP” class.</p>

<p>Wow some people were so rude on this thread. A lot of people at my college pulled all nighters but thats because a lot of students seriously don’t know how to balance time… College isn’t like high school where its 8-3 school time than homework time afterwards. You have a very split schedule and you don’t have the same classes everyday. If you budget your time well whether it means waking up earlier to do hw or doing hw in between classes, you’ll find that all nighters are not required. But yeah lol, if you goof off on facebook/youtube/twitter all the time rather than do work or go out with friends, you’ll have your late nights. But I would also agree that it largely depends on your major. props to engineer majors, I would not live but mainly because i hate math</p>

<p>Independence is easy unless you suffer from retardation.</p>

<p>I’d never recommend pulling an all-nighter because it diminishes your ability to perform. There is no reason to pull an all-nighter if you are responsible about your work load and study time.</p>


You are obviously not an engineering major.</p>

<p>^My ex was an engineering major.</p>

<p>It depends on your definition of all-nighter. He had an intense workload and was still averaging 5-6 hours a night depending on the night.</p>