What is college like

what is collage like, im in 11 grade and im unsure if im gonna like it, manly because of my anxiety


There are so many different kinds of colleges it’s hard to say. Some people with anxiety like to stay closer to home, or go to a smaller school, or go to the same school as their friend and room with them, or might even want to start at community college and then transfer to a 4 year school. There are lots of ways to do it.


College will be like what you want it to be. It’s there-so many things-to try and experience. But if you don’t it will just be school.

It’s independence or hs part 2 (living at home). It can be exhilarating but frightening for some.

If worried about being away, find a summer program that lasts a week and go and taste college !!

It’s a wonderful experience if you allow it to be !!

sorry i can’t spell, dyslexic

i also forgot to say i wanna be a cop and im unsure if i have to go to college to be one

im dyslexic i mean

You do not need to go to college to be a police officer, they have their own training.

You need to check the requirements of each police force to understand exactly what is required. This information should be readily available if you do a google search.

For example in NYC (I did a two minute google search) you must have earned 60 college credits with a minimum 2.0 GPA from an accredited institution or 2 years of active military service in the U.S. Armed Forces in order to be appointed to the title of Police Officer. You must pass a rigorous physical exam, a written entrance exam, a medical exam, a psychological exam, and a background check. Also minimum age is 21. I’m guessing each police force will have its own requirements.


The practice of “going away” to college and communal living is almost uniquely American. We, as a country, tend to romanticize the experience. It is, for many, a great way to learn independence, mature, gain new perspectives, and many other things. But it isn’t the only way so don’t let a biased sample (COLLEGE Confidential) shame you into thinking that it is.

If you determine the residential experience isn’t for you, community college or commuting to a four-year college is common and can provide a great education. Many in law enforcement also start in the military, so that’s another option, though it isn’t likely to be easier with anxiety.

You have almost two years before leaving for school. It’s a great time to start working with a therapist to address your anxiety, if you aren’t doing that already. You can make a lot of progress before you need to submit applications and can have many more options, if you do.


That’s interesting, I’m only familiar with NJ, which just requires a high school diploma of GED. I wonder how many states have college requirements?

No idea. I just checked that one. It is up to the OP to do their research. The information seems to be readily available.

so i was just told i can’t go to college because of the type of class i’m in , i’m unsure if that’s true

No, that’s not true. They might’ve meant that you are on the vocational/trade track rather than the college-bound track, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to college. What state do you live in?

Also, wouldn’t being a cop be terribly anxiety inducing? I’d think like librarian or parks and rec or something would be more chill.

usa and i mean because im kinda in a special class

What state, though? Are you in California? New York? Mississippi? Texas?

and honesty im unsure about being a cop or just a simple dish washer

oh vermont

Not sure what your grades are like, but colleges like Northern Vermont University (Lyndon) and Castleton University are not hard to get into.

I would think being a cop would be terrible if you have anxiety, but there are probably some other service-oriented jobs that might work well.

I’d ask your guidance counselor. Community College can be a great option too and save you a bunch of money.

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for now i think im gonna be a dishwasher