What is college like

You can do that, and you can also take classes at the local community college as you decide what you would like to study and what kind of job you would like to have.


To be honest, most of my anxiety back then was about doing (and worrying about not doing) enough to get into at least some form of college. I suppose deep down it mostly depends on what we envision our life goals as
 Mine was (is) to be a researcher, eventually hopefully a scientist, and going to college is one of the most efficient ways to achieve that.

However!! I’ve been told and I’ve learned from numerous examples that college is definitely not something that is absolutely necessary for becoming successful and, most importantly, happy in life. I’d suggest do some research about some recommended ways to achieve your goals in life–and I guarantee a lot of these ways won’t involve college heavily.

In terms of what college is like, it probably can be anything we’d like it to be. You can take 7 classes a semester and be hosed every minute of the day, but you can also (in a much better way) be focused on what exactly you love to do, become really good at that, and then enjoy the freedom and free time college brings. One amazing thing about college, I believe, is that no matter how outlandish or uncommon your interests are, you’ll most probably find

  1. a bunch of people in college who share such interest and enthusiasm and
  2. lots of classes centering on almost exactly that

It’s the range of cool and incredible things college can provide you with that makes it a rather fulfilling experience! College can be (is!) hard, just like almost everything else in life, but at least for me, it’s a chance to do things, learn about things, and seize opportunities that I’d otherwise have no easier way to access:)


i’m so confused about what i wanna do really. I want to be a cop but someone i really care about wants to be a truck driver and he wants me to be on the road with him and i kinda want to

Hi Rose! I’m glad you’re asking your questions because, as adults, we forget what it was like when we were in high school.

At your age I was also confused about what I really wanted to do.

Going to college may help you to figure that out. You get to try out different classes. You get to meet people that are doing different things.

I would suggest that you do something for yourself that you actually like.

Going on the road sounds exciting, but it can get really old really fast. Please don’t do anything based on what others want you to do.

If you have teachers that can suggest people to shadow, please ask them to help you figure that out. They know you so they will try to help you. Good luck!


thank you aunt_bea

You are welcome!

Please keep asking questions. There is nothing wrong with gaining information about anything and everything.

You should strive to be happy and to do things that will help you to grow and learn about life.

Remember that it is about loving what you do, so that you will remain a happy and mature adult.

I know too many people who have so many regrets that have become miserable because they didn’t do what they wanted to do.

Life is too short to be miserable and unhappy. So, you do you!!!


I’d say that you should at least ty it to see if you like it. There are literally hundred of thousands of students in colleges across the country who are able to manage their anxiety. And many are able to overcome it by taking control of their lives.

It sounds a bit “romantic” to have a life on the road, but that can’t last forever. What happens when you want to settle down? Or just go home to see family and friends? You will likely find that your friends are off doing other things. They might have new friends, they might have moved away and found jobs in other towns. You might have nothing to show for a life on the road.

If you and your boyfriend are meant to last, you going to college won’t stop you from staying together in the long run. If he supports your goals, he will be happy that you are trying to ensure a future for yourself. And if he is trying to persuade you to be on the road with him, is he putting you first, or is he mainly looking for a travelling companion?

These are all things to think honestly about. What do YOU want to do? One thing is certain. Having regrets is no good for anyone, so whatever you decide, make sure you’re trusting your head AND your heart. The heart on its own is notorious for making poor decisions :wink:


Lindagaf im not really sure, but he is scared of me being a cop and we made a deal that he won’t join the military if i don’t become a cop

Another you can do is just to do a job search on Indeed for the area you live in or an area you want to live in. You might find some interesting ideas that you’d never heard of or thought of. Some will require a college degree, some won’t. Maybe there is something related to police work but not actually out on patrol so it’s safer.

Or look at the list of programs available at your community college and see if any of them spark your interest. Then read through the required course list/descriptions and see if you are still interested. There are many fields you can get into with a 2 year degree.

Edited to add you have plenty of time to figure things out. When my DD’19 was a junior I wouldn’t have thought she would be in the field she chose.

Rose, sweetie, I want to address you as I would my daughters.

I know, that at this time, your boyfriend is very important to you.

I also know that you want a career based on what you’ve already written here.

There is nothing wrong with having a career and caring for your boyfriend.

You can start aiming toward that future by taking community college classes over the summer.

You may want to take a course in law enforcement just to see if that’s something you’d like to explore.

There are also classes on travel where on some weekends you meet and carpool with your classmates and hike/explore a local state park, forest, desert, lake, or beach.

You are young and should explore opportunities in your community.

Once you are in a serious relationship, you may not be able to do that. Kids come at some point, and then you spend 18 years raising them.

You have time and the advantage that you can still apply to a university. You are healthy and ready to see the world. Lucky girl!

Think about you first!


aunt_bea you are really nice and cool thank you!
