What is covered in College Board on-line course?

<p>Can someone correct my understanding? </p>

<p>With CB on-line you get 10 complete SAT practice tests? 3 tests are free and you don't have to enroll in their on-line course. Correct? Are these tests from the previous year? </p>

<p>Doesn't the blue book have few tests? </p>

<p>What is the difference in SAT study guide with and without DVD? </p>

<p>Also when you enroll for on-line course, is it valid for only one year? that means you need to time it???</p>

<p>The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd edition (w/o the CD) has 10 tests. It’s around $13 on Amazon.</p>

<p>The CB just released a new version (not a new edition) of the same book and added a CD. It’s $20 on Amazon. It’s the same as the other book, but they added one more test on the CD.</p>

<p>The CB has an online course. It is $70 to enroll and you get access for a year (they keep track of your enrollment date) to 9 additional SAT tests.</p>

<p>Each year the CB also provides access to one free practice test on their site. It tends to be an older test (given 2-4 years previously) Somewhere in the CC archives is a list of additional practice tests from previous years.</p>

<p>So does that mean between Blue book, CD and on-line course you can get about 20 unique practice tests? or there will be some overlap/duplication?</p>

<p>I wrote to the College Board and was told that the tests do differ between the BB and the online course.
The online course also has many lessons and quizzes to take before attempting the 10 tests.</p>

<p>^9 online tests, not 10</p>