What is IB Biology HL like?

I’m going to be taking the class this year, and not very many people I know have taken the course. I was just wondering what experiences you guys had with the class. Are the concepts hard to learn? Also, will it prepare you for the SAT Biology Subject test? No matter what, I’m taking the course (I love Bio), but I’m just wondering.


Hello, it depends on two things. How much previous knowledge you have, a lot of it was adding on to my freshmen bio class. It also depends on if you can study. I personally loved the class and had an awesome teacher for the two years I was in it, but most of my peers hated it since they didn’t remember much from earlier classes and didn’t want to study much. Try NOT to just memorize things, understand them. Those are two different things but understanding it makes it easier for you on tests and such.

Hope this helps!

@Hopeful-Paleontologist How do you suggest going about understanding the concepts? When I was in freshmen level Bio, I often memorized concepts instead of learning them.

  1. Your study techniques you learned for any AP class cannot be used for Bio HL. You cannot just memorize... You have to understand the processes. 2 Purchase the Barron's IB Bio review book. It is super helpful!

@carachel2 Thank you!

Opps, deleted