What is it Like To Be a Minority?

<p>^^ugh the r.kelly episode was so sad and stupid. i don’t even watch that show anymore</p>

Lol that is the funniest thing ever. I remember someone in class (he’s white and mexican, but he looks full white) was like I barely passed chem with a C. I’m like are you serious??? I’d die if I got a C. There’s no way. Some kids celebrate with a C. </p>

<p>I’ve always been the Oreo, the girl with the right answer, the girl you can get help from, etc. BUT I’ve outsmarted them all…I like to compete, so I always would bet this one guy that I could get a higher score than him on Spanish tests. Since I’m black and not a native speaker but he was, he thought I would suck at Spanish. I LOVED tests in that class…I would ALWAYS win…money lol.</p>

<p>@banana That R.Kelly episode was funny b/c they ridicule ignorance. It’s like Huey is the voice of reason, but no one ever listens to him. Riley is the typical mainstream POV.</p>

<p>I don’t know why, but this thread is somewhat funny and interesting. I’m a black male, usually the only one in my AP classes. Even though I hate the common stereotypes that exist, there is some truth to them. But it’s sad to say that people do generalize. I would say even though most of my friends are black and a lot of them do drugs. It doesn’t stop me from hanging out with them. Even though I have been in classes with white people all of my life, I can’t seem to associate myself with them. It’s hard to relate to white people, hence why most of my friends are black. I love black women. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m the guy who switches between two personalities. The party, cool type of guy and the smart, shy type of person. This happens naturally, but at the same time I’ve never really interacted with white people like that. Even though I attend their parties, drink and socialize with them. At the end of the day, there’s nothing more fun than hanging out with my black friends. I asked this black girl to prom. She was very smart, but quiet and weird at the same time. I kinda liked it because it was a change from the typical loud obnoxious black girls that were present at my school. Although this somewhat of a generalization, her personality was kinda cool and unique because she was someone I could relate to. I love being a minority. I don’t care what people think of me. I like it when they marvel at the things I say, especially in subjects like politics, and science. I just wish more black people would realize that doing well in school is a positive and not a negative. Even though black people are realizing this. There is still a long way to go. I love my African culture(Ghana). I love eating my African food lol… Just being chill and laidback. I’m very humble and not outwardly competitive. I just love being black!!! People at my school like me because I can dance(poppin, tuttin) MJ sort of thing. I just love being ME.</p>

<p>I hope I’m not doing something wrong by reviving this thread. </p>

<p>Annyways, I can honestly say that in my 17 years of growing up, I’ve never really felt the effects of color on me. I went to extremely diverse public schools where everyone treated me with respect. Those who don’t treat me with respect do so because of some inherent character flaw in me or something. I can make and hear jokes about every race, it doesn’t affect me that much.</p>

<p>Except the black people who would be ‘ghetto’. They seemed to think because of the way I talked(I have an African accent from my father), and the way I dress, and the fact I do well in school I must be gay. Even though I’ve never said anything gay and am hetero lol. </p>

<p>You people are lucky having dates and girlfriends; I wish I was so lucky.</p>

<p>Aww…don’t rush it. Lol as soon as you get in a relationship, you’ll be like I miss the single life (depending on who it is of course). I mean, I have been discriminated against, but I like the fact that I have “two different families”…the white side with my grandpa and the black side with my grandma…it’s really fun noting how different yet so similar the two different sides are…plus whenever i was discriminated against, i know that all white people aren’t bad…it’s sad but a lot of people hate whites because of one ignorant person that comes up…</p>

<p>JAJdude: You’re lucky that you grew up in such a diverse environment. That respect you got, I believe, is crucial to any adoloscent’s development, regardless of race.
And I know what you mean about the dates and girlfriends-same bad luck here. Try not to get to down on yourself for it. If you continue to work hard where it really matters(in school), a successful career will follow, and the women will come with that. We just gotta wait a little longer, I guess.</p>

<p>JLaw-I notice your thing says upstate NY. Do you know what part exactly(just curious)?</p>

<p>I hardly think about girfriends, but sometimes after awhile it’s a bit disappointing when weveryone’s kissed or something like that except me lol. I mean, I’m not looking for a sex buddy heh.</p>

<p>It’s the greatest to be smart black, yet still loyal to the black community. i can’t relate to those of you who mostly have white friends etc. In my school i hang with the black people, still have a good rep (not the nerd/sell out dude) but focus hard on school</p>



<p>Right outside of Albany in a suburb called Guilderland.
[Guilderland</a>, New York - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilderland,_New_York]Guilderland”>Guilderland, New York - Wikipedia)</p>



<p>Man, you’re lucky. I’m lucky to go an hour or so without the thought crossing my mind.</p>



<p>Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. I usually put it this way. I haven’t hit a home run. I’ve never been to 1st, 2nd or 3rd base with a girl. I’m not up to bat. In fact, I’m not even in the dugout. I’m the guy up in the stands delivering the peanuts. When people ask me where I stand relationship-wise, that’s what I usually say.</p>

<p>For me personally, there have been times where I’d envy my peers who’d talk so casually about kissing this girl(or maybe going further than that), going out, etc, etc. Then they’d just break up with her later. To them, it was all no big deal. Kissing was normal, sex was normal, and the girls who I could only dream of ever dating were not even worth a month long relationship to them. I just don’t understand it all, this whole “mating game” among our generation.
I frequently wonder what its like to kind of be on the other side of the fence where it seems everyone else is. All of it seems so alien to me at times, it can be very frustrating.</p>



<p>Count yourself as very fortunate. If we could all be so lucky…</p>

<p>JLaw: hahahahaha nice baseball analogy.</p>

<p>I’ll throw in my 2 cents. I live in WI, so I go to a mainly white/Jewish school. About 25% black (which is a lot higher than typical suburban WI school). I have black friends, but not in school. At my school it’s like ooooohhh she’s smart, she must think she white, let’s not talk to her. So I have a *****ty rep with the black kids at my school. But my other black friends aren’t intimidated by me so we’re cool.</p>

<p>As far as dating, I’ve dated almost every race. Except asian lol. My current boyfriend is Jewish! I don’t see it as an issue, and I’m not even 17 yet, so who cares. If my mom finds out I’m dating someone she’s like “What’s his name…is he black?”. She’d obviously prefer I date inside my race, but isn’t opposed as long as the guy treats me right.</p>

<p>I like this sub-forum. So many intelligent black folks!</p>

<p>I have a statement, based on an experience that occurred in high school:</p>

<p>This black girl told me that I shouldn’t date a white girl. She also told me that I should never forget who I am and “switch” to the white side. One of my black teachers also said I should never date white women because it could end up costing me in the future. I’m one of those black males that usually talk proper, I don’t if that means I’m acting “white.” I find that statement offensive. I also am seen with many caucasians because I’m in classes with them.</p>

<p>However I usually date/prefer black girls.</p>

<p>Any comments on this?</p>

<p>My D just joined the</p>

<p>“I Speak “Right”, Not “White” *****!” group</p>

<p>on facebook.</p>

<p>^ LOL. <em>Joins immediately</em></p>

<p>LOL @ shrink rap</p>

<p>I speak using proper English. I realize that there is a time and place for everything including slang. In class I use proper English, but with m friends I use slang. I am a HS senior in 5 AP classes and out of the 250 African-American seniors in my HS class 5 are taking AP Lit. & Composition. I am the only African-American in my AP Lit class. I would prefer to date an intelligent African-American male, but I can’t seem to find one at my high school. In several of my classes I am the only African-American, but even after proving my academic capabilities I find the white students tend to stick to themselves. When forced to work in groups I’m usually the one searching for a partner. I hate it. I wish there were more African-Americans in higher level classes and more intelligent African-American males willing to show their intelligence. I know they are out there, but I can’t seem to find one. Anybody else have this problem?</p>

<p>I had the same problem as you did in high school. Usually people thought I was inferior, or incapable. Sometimes I would work independently on group projects because I would ask the teacher for special permission to do so. Most of the time I did have caucasian partners and stuff, but caucasian people, just like blacks and asians like to stick with people of their own race. Even though I value diversity to the fullest extent, Most schools that are diverse are usually self segregated. It is easier to relate to someone of your own race than to someone of a different race.</p>

<p>Honestly I wish there were more blacks in higher level classes, but I can’t change people’s opinions sometimes. Most of my friends that are black don’t do well in school and some how have a perception that they are going to be rich. This flawed way of thinking has landed them into situations and places that they don’t want to be in. My school is 60% black. Why is it that I’m the only black male in most of my classes. It doesn’t make sense to me, but the African American mentality of success in the U.S is flawed in some regards and people need to make education a priority.</p>

<p>@ Entertainer.
I used to be like that. See a nice black guy with a white girl and not be too happy about it! But I think it all depends on what you personally value. I prefer black guys, but I mean a good person is a good person. Society is a lot more accepting of interracial couples but it still is a kind of anomaly.</p>

<p>@ Sparknerd: Yea. I’m literally the only black person in the top 10% of my class lol…So almost no black guys at my school really try…But they are out there!</p>

<p>I feel that minorities are stereotyped a lot more than other races because people don’t know much about you. As an Asian, other people are always surprised to hear me say that I want to become a writer, as opposed to an engineer or something in the math/science field.</p>

<p>Asians have it bad also. I think stereotypes against Asians often go undetected. Like I have an Asian friend who scored an 1800 on his SAT’s. Most of his friends and others called him a “dumb asian.” Saying things like, “Aren’t you supposed to be smart.” They expect him to be a math or science fanatic that spends most of his time studying. I think people judge others too quickly. Every person is different, regardless of what race they belong to.</p>

<p>I don’t havbe that ‘only black person’ problem at my school. I took AP Bio this year and there were 5 black people in there out of around 16 people lol. AP Chem next door has more minorities, I would think as well. Our class saledictorian(sp?) is black as well lol. And believe me, he has a pretty high GPRA and takles most AP/Honors classes.</p>

<p>I speak ‘white’ as well. It mostly comes from all of the books I read and games I ply lol. People somehow think I have a British accent for some reason though. I remember first moving to NC, and people were wondering about my accent(sommy father was from Senegal, and persumably in Senegal lol). Though I must say, most of the black people at my school make fun of my voice. It’s like none of the white people or asian people or some of the smarter black people would make fun of it, but most of those slightly ‘ghetto’ black people do. </p>

<p>I would prefer Indian girls(like Arab) followed by whitee, followed by black, followed by Asia. I never met many Hispanic people at my school though heh.</p>