what is that website where you can read reviews about classes

<p>a while back i came across this great site where you can read reviews on all the classes at rice and get info on about how hard they are...what finals are like...what the teachers are like....</p>

<p>how i can't seem to find it</p>

<p>and its not ratemyprofessors.com</p>

<p>It's on the SA website. I might look for it later if no one's found it by then.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, the SA course guide has been shut down in favor of a new system where students will be able to read the official online course evaluations submitted to Esther (which went from paper to online starting in Spring 06). I'm still waiting for the Esther course guide to materialize.</p>

<p>It is actually on the registrar's website and has been there for awhile. It is enormously helpful if you have the time to look through it. It is kinda hard to read but all you have to have is a little patice. Here is the link ruf.rice.edu/~reg/course_eval/index.html</p>

<p>The link that I gave is not exactly the website you are talking about. I know which one you are tlaking about but I can't think of the name and I think Rice was too small to be on the website. But the link I gave does have a lot of similar info</p>