What is the avg gpa for freshman in seas?

<p>S1 just finished his first year and is feeling quite discouraged about the negative association between hard work and grades. what have your experiences been? How freaked out should he (we) be?</p>

<p>I think the average is somewhere around a 3.0?</p>

<p>uh I’ve heard more often than not the average for seas is a 2.8 or something like that. I think I’ve also heard freshman year is the hardest bc of all the classes like chem, physics, and math</p>

<p>Freshman year engineering is tough at all colleges. My niece finished freshman year at Penn State (you know- the other Penn) with barely a 2.5 and just graduated with over a 3.5. It gets better.</p>

<p>Wow, did she receive practically straight A’s from sophomore to senior year?</p>

<p>Mainly As, a few Bs.</p>