what is the easiest ap class

<p>can u list the easiest ap class there is? i am a sphmore and thinking of taking a ap class next year.</p>

<p>well doesn't that depend on ur own strengths and weaknesses??? For example if you are a math-minded person I've heard that AP stat is relatively easy</p>

<p>AP environmental science. Don't be fooled by the low AP exam scores; those are only due to the really lazy students in the class.</p>

<p>The same thing goes for human geography, US history, psychology, US government, and world history.</p>

<p>rocker what does that mean, easy?
or are you saying it like a comparision</p>

<p>It also depends on the teachers who teach the courses at your school...like for example, in my school AP Chem is considered impossibly hard, and AP Physics is hard cuz our teacher really sucks unless you already know eveyrhting</p>

<p>AP World has A LOT of reading. Same with APUSH. AP Government has some reading and essays. They are def not easy relative to other APs mentioned here. Human Geo is easy.</p>

<p>APEH is the easiest one in my opinion. AP Calc would rank easiest if I were a math person. I'd say AP chem is the hardest one because, from my experiences in AP Chem and AP Physics, chem is a lot harder.</p>

<p>AP physics & gov.
Then it really depends on the teacher...
I had an extremely easy class with AP Chemistry and AP Bio, but both of those classes yielded poor testing results. Out of the 20 people that took Chem, only I passed barely with a 3, and AP bio 80% of the people whom Mr. X taught failed the AP tests eventhough more than 70% had a B or A.</p>

<p>Calc and Chem were the easiest for me.
But for chem it's only easy if you've had honors beforehand, and obviously you need to take trig before calculus.
So yes, I am recommending these courses with reservation.</p>

<p>envir. science and statistics are the two easiest APs
ive heard econ is pretty easy also</p>

<p>how many times are ppl gonna post these kidna threads?for the last time....it depends on your strengths and weaknesses gosh</p>

<p>macroeconomics is by far the easiest and most elementary. Even if you suck at everything you can get a 4 if you have common sense (and are able to read).</p>

<p>Don't be fooled by all these kids saying there's all this reading for WH or USH. Just buy two practice books (preferably Princeton and Kaplan) and read both of those and take the practice tests. I never read my textbook and just read those and still got 5's on both.</p>

<p>Macro isn't as simple as a lot of people think. The graphs can be confusing, and they aren't really as elementary as is commonly believed.</p>

<p>Well perhaps for the AP exam WH, USH, and EH are all easy (not sure since I haven't taken it yet), but for APWH you can't get an A unless you read the chapters thoroughly. EH has a lot of reading.</p>

<p>AP Physics C</p>

<p>k from reading this thread thean all ap exams must be easy since there are at least 10 different exams on here, so this thread is pretty much useless. You can't really judge which is easiest bc it depends on one's strengths so therefore lets just put end to this thread.</p>

<p>I agree, but by easy, people usually mean 'require little prior knowledge'. This is absolutely the case with psychology, for example. You need to know absolutely nothing before taking the course. You learn about neurons, and you learn about their functions, from an extremely un-biology-like perspective. You learn about neuro-transmitters, and you learn that they're chemicals, and that's when the chemistry stops. Also, the curve on the exam is fairly generous, the course is at least mildly interesting to everyone, and the information is easily understood. That basically constitutes my definition of easy.</p>

<p>But other than that, I completely agree with you. A math person will breeze through Calc BC, but might struggle on English Language. It depends on the person. However, the exams mentioned here are easy to most people that take them. And yes, an end should be put to this thread, because it follows in the shadow of countless others (which can easily be found with a simple search).</p>


<p>At least try to give a valid opinion.</p>