What is the purpose of SAT2?

<p>I took my SAT2s and got the following results:
Chem 780
Bio 740
Maths2 720.</p>

<p>How come SAT2s cannot redeem for credits in college? It seems that AP is not available in HK but CLEPs are. What's the difference in the difficulty between CLEP/AP and SAT2?</p>


<p>They are used for admissions purposes since the SAT I doesn't measure much. They only test high school level material, so naturally they wouldn't count for college credit. AP exams are more in depth and difficult than SAT IIs, but I have no idea about CLEP.</p>

<p>SAT II = high school level, to see whether you learned anything in school.</p>

<p>AP/CLEP = colleg level, to see whether you can handle college-level work early on.</p>