What is the significance of the colleges you submit your ACT scores to??

When I was filling out the registration form, it allowed you to enter 4-6 colleges to submit your scores to. What is the point? Does this give you a leg up or show your interest?? THANKS

It just saves you money. If you are applying to more than one school, you can send all the scores free. If you are applying to a super selective school that allows score choice, you might wait. Otherwise just put all the schools down when you register.

If you decide to send your ACT scores to a college later, it will cost $13 per test date per school. So you can save $52 by sending your scores to 4 schools when you register for the test.

Early score submission may consider expression of interest and it is free. If you worry the score may be not good enough for target schools, just put in schools that want all scores and also safeties.

You don’t have to fill it in at all. You might prefer to see the scores first.