What is this Transfer admission document?

<p>I've applied for transfer to University of Miami and they have received all of my documents except for one.
(IP Business school math required)
That is what they have not received yet. I've sent in the syllabus for the math course i'm currently taking. Did anyone else had to submit this document? If so what is it?
I've emailed the university about this and they said "We need to see the description of your math course from the college/university you are currently attending." So is a syllabus the correct item to submit?</p>


<p>Yah. They need the syllabus for the Math class. Is it Calculus? I applied for School of Business- Finance, but I’m missing Calc so they accepted me in Economics Arts and Sciences instead till I take Calc. I need to take that in the summer. Hopefully, it won’t be too late to petition as an internal transfer.</p>

<p>What are you majoring in?</p>

<p>I wanted to major in business administration but that option wasn’t available when i clicked on the drop down box so i just picked business management</p>