Transfer Application

I really want to get into to UM and just finished my application. I sent in my transcripts, wrote my essay, got my letter of recommendation, and submitted my common application…Then I realized I needed to get a registrar report, but since I already submitted the application I can’t add that. The application is due March 1st, so I’m kind of losing valuable time. :confused: Will that one small mistake ruin my chances of getting in?

It might, I suggest turning in all the required forms.

Its ok, as long as you Turn in the Report soon. How are your grades?
Dont be too worried about small things like that

@Jt5956‌ I had called the school today to ask them, so tomorrow Im gonna get my school to fill out the registrar report and fax it right away. I have a 4.0 and I’m in Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society, so I’m hoping that helps… I just have bad luck when it comes to this stuff and really hope I get in.

How many credits do you currently have

@Jt5956‌ currently 45, but Id be transferring with 60

dw your getting in its impossible for you not to get in!!!
4.0 with 45 credits!!!
I have a 3.5, sent my application in january! i hope i get in!!

i should hear back soon

the average gap for transfers is 3.5


@Jt5956‌ Well hopefully my school can send in this report asap because it’s stresssing me out! I’m cutting it so close lol… But thank you for everything, and I hope you get in! Definitely let me know if you do! And best of luck to you :slight_smile:

Aren’t they pretty flexible about the March 1st deadline? And is the deadline midnight the 28th or 11:59 on March 1st?

Have you guys heard back??? @Transfer023 and @kingclan ???

I called them and eventually emailed the woman in charge of my file, and they are very flexible thankfully. When I emailed she said they received my application and my transcripts and that was all that was needed to determine my acceptance or not. I actually just found out on the 6th that I got accepted so it only took them a litte over a week to decide. @charlottelol1‌ @kingclan‌

Congratulations!! You are transferring in as a junior, correct? Where are you transferring from, if you don’t mind me asking?

Congratulations!! You are transferring in as a junior, correct? Where are you transferring from, if you don’t mind me asking? @transfer023

Also, when, on Canelink, did it tell you your application was “Complete” instead of “Incomplete”

@charlottelol1‌ Thank you! :slight_smile: have you heard back yet? my file still shows incomplete because I guess they’re still sorting through paper work. And yes I’m transferring as a junior from Broward College. My next step though is trying to find a good place for off campus housing, so if you or anyone else has found any good places/ other recommendations that would be really appreciated. :slight_smile:

What was your GPA at Broward? Nope, I haven’t heard back yet. Where did it tell you that you were accepted? Under “Application status?”

hey @transfer023 how did they notify you about your acceptance?