Here is some data from my d’s experience in 2015:
18 schools total
9 public out of state
9 private
17 were from the Midwest or South, 1 Mid-Atlantic.
She had a 3.71 unweighted GPA, 4.23 weighted, 30 ACT, top 15% of class in a US News top 100 high school (PAHS). She received the top or 2nd-from-the-top academic merit award at the majority of the schools. EC’s were basically all from theatre. She received talent awards from about 25% of the schools, which were significantly less than the academic merit awards. For a couple of the schools, the scholarships did not “stack,” so she was only awarded one of the two types.
Costs are tuition plus room and board for a double room:
3 @ $15,000 or less (all 3 were public schools)
4 @ $15,000-$20,000
4 @ $20,000-$25,000
5 @ $25,000-$30,000
2 @ $35,000-$37,000 (private schools)
Lowest was $7,000, highest was $37,000.
The highest full-pay amount was $50,000 (reduced to $23,000), the lowest was $17,000 (reduced to $7,000). She was granted in-state tuition at a couple of the public schools. Only 1 public school exceeded $30,000 after scholarships.
The highest “discount” was 58% and the lowest was 7%. The average discount was 32%.
She received at least one artistic acceptance in each group listed.
Our target was $25,000 per year or less, no loans. She chose a school which came in at $25,000 per year.