For our masters in accounting, we have to pass 1 or 2 parts of the CPA exam to get our degree. I did all my requirements (ethics, international etc.) but could not do the CPA well last semester. Now I am retaking the CPA exam class that I must get a B in to pass.
I studied my ass off for the CPA exam but could not pass any part whatsoever. My scores on the CPA exams are all around 50ism. I don’t think I will be able to do it. If I don’t pass around 2 parts my may (depending on how well I do on other CPA class assignments) then I fail the class.
I am kind of depressed right now. I spend 2 years on this masters and don’t think that I can get the degree. Can you still get good jobs with just a bachelors in accounting and CPA eligibility?
Also, do you guys think that my professor could work something out with me?