What kind of GPA do you need to transfer into UW?

<p>I am planning on attending a two-year CC down in IL before applying to UW as a Sociology major/transfer. What kind of gpa do you guys think I will need in order to get in? I know UW is one of the best sociology schools in the nation, which is why I am interested in this school. I would pick U of I, but their sociology program is not even close to being as strong as UWs.</p>

<p>Check the transfer admission site on the UW website. Above a 3.0 is needed- the higher the better, of course. You want to get used to doing the kind of rigorous coursework expected at a major U. Perhaps try for UIUC to get the more rigorous freshmen courses and then consider a transfer if you think the sociology courses for undergrads are much better at UW. Remember that you are thinking about the grad school when you refer to how great the Sociology program at UW is. You can get your undergrad degree elsewhere and then do grad work at UW. Somehow I can’t help but think you would be missing too many good lower level sociology courses if you opted for CC. You also may change your major once in college and find a different major works well elsewhere. You may also do better to start at one of the other 4 year colleges to get the type of courses best suited for you. Consider the peer group you will have in your choice of school.</p>

<p>The average GPA for a transfer student is 3.4.</p>

<p>So a 3.4+?</p>

<p>Yes, to be on the safe side.</p>

<p>Is there any stats/evidence to back it up?</p>

<p>I saw the 3.4 number on the admissions website I believe, so you should be able find it there. Aside from that, my GPA was 3.4 when I transferred and a friend of mine had a 3.8 GPA.</p>

<p>Read the transfer admissions information on the UW website. That is what we would do to give you the evidence you ask for. Cut the possibly misinformed middlemen and go straight to the source. All we can do is give opinions and anecdotal information.</p>

<p>do you have a link to it?</p>

<p>You need to be able to navigate the sites of colleges you are interested in. Go to the UW home page, find the subsite by exploring the options. I find the UW site more easy to find info on than many other schools’ sites.</p>

<p>Doesn’t help, give me a DIRECT link. UW site is probably the hardest, I have no clue where the hell you found 3.4. If you aren’t going to help then leave.</p>

<p>I found it…but thanks for nothing.</p>

<p>Teaching you to help yourself to find certain fairly simple internet based info is doing you a big favor. Having to ask somebody else can lead to misinformation and also puts you at the mercy of others. A little practice and you can find pretty much anything you need to know. So time to start growing up and becoming self-sufficient. This is easy stuff.</p>

<p>UW demands independence/self reliance- if you can’t handle the simple stuff you will not make it or miss a lot.</p>

<p>Haha wow. I guess someone needs to learn that the world does not revolve around them.</p>