What kind of scholarships does Berkeley grant?

<p>Specifically for academic achievement. I plan on transferring into Berkeley and I hear the Regent's scholarship is given to transfers with like 4.0's. So how much does the Regent's scholarship entitle one? Oh and of course, someone address the question in the title of the thread please.</p>

<p>The Regents pays for everything except your EFC. So for me... practically everything.</p>

<p>Regents will pay as follows:</p>

<li>Total Cost of Attending Berkeley</li>
<li>Amount your family can provide</li>
<li>Amount you can provide</li>

<p>All of these amounts are determined by your FAFSA. This is the best scholarship you can get. BTW, if it turns out that the amount calculated by the above is less than $1,000, they give you an "honorary" award of $1,000.</p>