<p>My mom's telling me not to take more than like two sneakers... cause in the winter, everyone will be wearing boots cause of the snow? Is this accurate? Do all students pretty much wear boots or low rise boots and stuff in the winter? No running shoes or anything of that sort?</p>
<p>Not everyone needs boots..I use sneakers/training shoes most of the time.</p>
<p>As a girl, I only wear boots in the winter unless there's a dressy occasion or something. (I'm guessing you're not a girl because of the two sneakers thing versus 50+ pairs of shoes...) I think a lot of people own a more snow-appropriate type of shoe (not necessarily boots) that you probably can't find in the warmer areas.</p>
<p>Yes, there's snow, but the U does a good job of clearing all the paths. You won't need boots for normal walking-to-class activity.</p>
<p>The only boots I regularly see people wearing are those Ugg boots... but those are issued to girls when they join sororities.</p>
<p>Most girls wear boots for most of the winter...Uggs are not waterproof so they are not good snowboots. Guys also usually have some sort of waterproof shoe for walking in the snow. Go to the local Ann Arbor mall and you will have lots of options for snow shoes.</p>
<p>During the week the sidewalks are usually clear, but if it snows on the weekend you will usually be walking through the snow- boots are pretty much a necessity unless you don't mind having cold, wet feet.</p>
<p>The university does a good job plowing the sidewalks, but they're not perfect. </p>
<li>Don't expect the plowing to occur on the weekends. Also, the sidewalks are sometimes slippery due to not putting down salt.</li>
<li>It can snow A LOT in Michigan in a short period of time. As a result, don't expect the plowing to be done when you have an early class nor if there was a snowstorm in the middle of the afternoon (and you class happens to take place right after it occurred). You might even have to jump a small snowbank when you want to cross some streets.</li>
<li> Never expect to get a snow day. The university almost never declares them. A professor might decide to cancel a class, but most likely, the university will not.</li>