What looks better?

<p>I am currently a senior in high school and have a scheduling conflict(God i hate those). Currently I have 3 ap's for my senior year, but I"d like to make it 4. To put in the ap class I want(Calc BC), I'd have to give up advanced english, and take regular english. So the question is does it look better to have 4 ap's and have my only english class as a regular english or to have advanced english with 3 ap's(Just to let you know, i refuse to take ap lit:))</p>

<p>Thx for responding.</p>

<p>Depends on where you want to go. You should talk to parents and guidance counselors and look at the requirements of each individual school you're applying to.</p>

<p>how did you do on calculus ab? can you take an english class at your local jc?</p>

<p>I had the same problem and decided to give up ap lit for calc bc but that is b/c i want to major in math. It depends on what you want to do and what you like, you could also check at the local community college and see if you can take calc bc there</p>

<p>I would definitely take bc calc- you're gaining an AP course but only losing an honors course. You might explain why you couldn't take advanced English on the additional information section of your applications.</p>

<p>im a senior so i don't know how i did on ab yet. I'm doing really well so far though. I don't have any chances to do english classes anywhere else, so i need to choose one. I think currently im leaning towards taking bc.</p>