What major do you want to pursue?

<p>Hey, I want to make a discussion for students to list the major they wish to take on in college. In your replies, please list a brief background of what it is and what benefits you see in it. I want to start this thread for kids who may still not know what they want to pursue in college because they haven't heard of certain majors or they don't know what certain majors consist of.</p>


<p>Leading to a banking and business career</p>

<p>I have no idea. :( I figure I'll know more in college. So far I've narrowed it down to:</p>

<p>International Relations: With rapid globalization and technological growth, countries are interacting with each other more than ever and it's important that interactions are done with caution and understanding. That's my take on it. I figure that I enjoy history and culture, and could possibly combine this major with a major/minor in a language.</p>

<p>Russian: I am Russian so might as well study it some more to perfect my speaking capabilities. I have heard that there are plenty of government positions where there is a demand for knowing the Russian language. Also, relations with Russia and the United States do not seem to be heading in a positive direction, so the demand for knowing the language may be higher in the future.</p>

<p>Japanese: To put it simply, I just enjoy learning about the culture and I think the language is so interesting. I am told that this is a good language to know for business (you can listen to what the Japanese business men think about a deal they are considering) or an area in technology. Perhaps others have more knowledge of the benefits.</p>

<p>Art History: I enjoy history and I enjoy art. This major, combined with a language, could perhaps enable me to work in a museum as a curator of some sort or perhaps a different position.</p>

<p>Psychology: Knowing how behavior works is always important in areas like business, child care, war fare, or history. The importance of this major, I feel, depends on what area of psychology you decide to study.</p>

<p>Any input?</p>


<p>A double major of Pure Mathematics and Physics.... or maybe English and Philosophy. I know better toward the end of my career. </p>

Any input?

After APAH... count me out of Art History... Art Historians are like architectural majors to me. They can lecture for hours about some person or whatever I couldn't care less about. However, Villanova had a great professor in Art History and Political Science on Itunes - U who gave a great lecture on art and the being of culture.</p>

<p>Catsushi, it sounds like you're leaning towards International Relations. A minor in Russian would be great for an IR major. That's what I think I'd pick in your position, but I don't know exactly how you feel about anything. At the risk of sounding corny, follow your heart. :)</p>

<p>As for myself, I'm pretty much going to major in Economics if I go to a liberal arts college. If I go to a business school, I want to concentrate in Environmental Policy or Economics (because some business schools don't have Environmental Policy). Claremont McKenna has some crazy Environment, Economics, and Politics program, which I think would be just perfect for me.</p>

<p>Ancient History and Pre-Law (Yes, I know. TECHNICALLY not a major but you know what I mean :p.)</p>

<p>Want to be a children's lawyer.</p>

<p>Catsushi, I would definitely suggest the IR OR have you considered something like Michigan State's Residential College for Arts and Humanities. It seems just like what you're looking for. I don't know what other colleges offer something like it, but it's worth a look for ideas at the least. Residential</a> College in the Arts and Humanities</p>

<p>Applied mathematics major, creative writing and piano performance minors.
Yeah. I'm THAT awesome. Or just majorly confused.</p>

<p>I have no clue what I want to do afterwards, but an applied math degree can take you a lot of places.</p>

<p>I am interested in...
History I have no idea what to do with this. It's not like I write well anyway. I like IR a LOT.
Anatomy/Biology/Physiology But I have less than no desire to go head to head with oher nerdy bio majors =.=
Korean I really wanna study the history and culture in an unbiased setting
Music This is just fun and I understand it really well
Fashion But I can't draw...
Art see above.</p>

<p>Majors I'm considering:
1. Music major with premed requirements spread out four years.
2. Another one where a high GPA's not hard to obtain with pre-med requirements spread out.
or is music a hard major?</p>

<p>forgot: current career goal is a star cardiac or thoracic surgeon XD really good with my hands :)</p>

<p>Thanks romanigypsyeyes, but I'm actually going to Wellesley College so I'm all set for college. :) I just need to figure out what classes I want to take soon haha.</p>

<p>Statistics or Engineering. Haven't quite decided yet.</p>


<p>Experimental Pscyh at Oxford University
Neuroscience or Neuroscience/Philosophy everywhere else...</p>

<p>I want to go into either research/become a physican/or teach medicine in the neurology/cognitive science field. It's also really interesting, which is the main reason. If I lived humbly but was doing something interesting like researching in neuroscience I would still be happy.</p>

<p>International Relations or Visual Arts.</p>

<p>MUN and art are both huge things in my life right now. I love them, and to work for the UN or a UNO would be a dream come true.</p>

<p>Narrowed it down:</p>

<p>BioMedical Engineering
Economics or Business</p>

<p>Statistics and/or Applied Math</p>

<p>If I want to go in academia as my profession:</p>

<p>Anthropology </p>



<p>If I want to actually get a career after college instead of grad school:</p>

<p>Geography / Geography Information Systems</p>

<p>I'm leaning in the direction of English with a minor in philosophy, or I'm really up for it, a double major.</p>

<p>international relations/economics</p>


<p>Mechanical Engineering - I've always been into tinkering, building things, taking things apart, and designing things. I plan to get into some more advanced levels of robotics and manufacturing than what I'm involved in now, but I think MechE fits me perfectly.</p>

<p>I've always loved Linguistics and Psychology (the whys of language and the whys of how people think have always been fascinating), so if I have the chance I'll probably minor in those two. I've been reading up on a Psycholinguistics course and absolutely loving it.</p>