<p>Essays make you stand out. It would take a really uncommon and unusual EC to really differentiate a candidate from the rest. Laundry list ECs just don’t do the trick, and neither does overcommitment.</p>
<p>being a tri-varsity athlete would make you stand out or maybe publishing research.</p>
<p>I love it so much</p>
<p>and yes, there is way more depth in origami than you may think.</p>
<p>I also have an origami related job, and started a club, and teach it… And most likely some of my works will go on exhibition.</p>
<p>porkperson do you have pix i wanna see!</p>
<p>Heard it was a little pretentious.</p>
<p>It’s like my IB HS extended. Not sure I want to do that.</p>
<p>Also going into engineering, which Tech is better at.</p>
<p>a little pretension is good ya?
tech is nice i’ve been to their football games - weak for my intended major tho</p>
<p>What’s your major?</p>
<p>Mine is math and comp sci.</p>
<p>international relations & russian</p>
<p>Ah… yeah UVA’s an excellent school for that.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if I want to deal with my HS again.</p>
<p>will most likely go to UVa?</p>
<p>Editor of an international literary magazine called the “Paris Review of high school literature,” been published in magazines so amazing tier that pay you for your writing, just a writing beast in general. Absolutely amazing essay, maybe the best piece of writing I’ve ever done, was told by a teacher that it was the best college essay she’d ever read (in 27 years of her job hellll yeah).
Hahaha I get mad narcissistic when I’m drunk. Apologies in readvance.</p>
<p>wanton youre out of control but i like it lol</p>
<p>hellUVA… what makes you stand out?
and besides UVA, what schools will you be applying to next year?</p>
<p>georgetown, george washington, tufts, middlebury, brown, dartmouth.</p>
<p>I honestly have no idea.
President of three clubs, I guess? I teach a language to younger students.
Maybe my sport, which is speedskating. But I don’t know. Hah.</p>
<p>which language? i teach spanish to 2nd graders so cute lol</p>
<p>hellUVA, what makes you stand out?</p>
<p>@hellUVa, yeah a lot will go to UVA.</p>
<p>I guess what I do is basically be a teacher for about 70+ robotics teams in a large county.</p>
<p>It’s okay, we’re all really good at something when we’re drunk.</p>
<p>Nothing about me stands out, which is why I wrote the best college essay of all time.</p>
<p>Oh yea, I forgot… I’m applying to Vanderbilt next year, too.
…which means I’ll be joining a good portion of the people in my class, if I decide to go.</p>