I’m a sophomore with a love for maths and determination and I will be taking Honors algebra 2 online and depending on weather I do good or not I have 2 choice for math classes next year. Pre-Calculus Honors in which the teachers at my school are really bad, and AICE math (precalc but a lot harder) in which the teacher has a reputation in being the best math teacher in the school and is a really good tutor. Math is my favorite subject. Depending on which math I take the science i take next year will change. so this is my schedule:
Pre-Calculus Honors
AICE/AP Environmental Science or Honors Physics
AICE English Literature AS
AICE US History A
AICE Psychology A
AICE Global Perspectives AS
AP Computer Science Principles
AICE Mathematics 1 AS
Honors Physics
AICE English Literature AS
AICE US History A
AICE Psychology A
AICE Global Perspectives AS
AP Computer Science Principles
Which math class should I take next year? Will the struggle be worth it for aice math? lastly is my schedule to rigorous in either case
If Math is your favorite subject and the teacher is good, why not take AICE Math?
What does your current math teacher/GC say?
Do you want to major in something STEMy?
What do you have to take for AICE? I don’t know
Math is indeed my favorite subject and that’s why I decided to take honors algebra 2 by myself online as I am currently enrolled in geometry honors at my school. I’ve done well in all my past math classes but I’m afraid that since I’m taking algebra 2 online by myself, I won’t perform as good overall. There have been a few people in my school that took algebra 2 online and are now in AICE math. Should I still take the course? What are some materials to make sure I’ll have a full understating of Algebra 2?
I have yet to talk to my GC about this however, the AICE math teacher said it is something that can be done. Usually people at my school take pre-aice math before aice math but I’m just going to be taking algebra 2 honors on FLVS. How do I make sure I understand the material well?