What math/science should I take senior year?

<p>I want to major in nursing at schools like UCI, CSULB, SDSU, and CSUSM but I am unsure of what math or science to take, I am currently struggling in Pre-Calculus (71%) so I am wary of taking AP Calculus.
Should I take AP Calc anyway or should I take Statistics? My school doesn't offer Stats, so I would take it at CC, is worth it?</p>

<p>As for sciences, I'm currently in AP Bio. Should I take Physics, Anatomy & Physiology or both?</p>

<p>A&P would be more helpful. If you want to do both, just make sure you can handle the workload. I would want a math course in my schedule for senior year, so you have to decide if you can handle AP calculus. Taking a college level stats course can be difficult to schedule during the school year and stats is a different kind of math and can be quite challenging.</p>

<p>Take as much bio, chem and anatomy as is practical. </p>

<p>For math, take statistics. Don’t waste your time on calculus. I haven’t seen a single nursing program that has calculus on their curriculum.</p>

<p>I believe most students take a year of basic physics, just as background for other sciences and as part of the standard high school curriculum. I wouldn’t take advanced physics.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies.
I think I will take Anatomy&P during the school year and Intro to Statistics this summer at a CC. </p>

<p>Would it hurt me to not take a math during the actual school year? Because my only option (that’s not AP Calc) is Consumer Math and the teacher is horrible.</p>

<p>I see what marybee is saying, as A&P and Physics at the same time might be difficult so if I decide to also take Physics over the summer should I take Conceptual Physics or Basic Physics: Energy and Motion?</p>

<p>Usually there is a Calc based Physics and non-calc based Physics, so you would want to take the latter. A&P is a great idea. Great move with the Stats during the summer.
UC-I is a good program.</p>