What more can/should I do?

<p>The University of Wisconsin- Madison is my #1 school. I submitted my application before the deadline and at this point it's just a waiting game. I'm out of state but I feel like I would be a really good fit at Wisconsin. </p>

<p>I wrote a very personal "Why Wisconsin" essay which heavily implied UW is my top choice, but I'm wondering if there is anything more I can or should do. I visited campus, went to multiple information sessions, etc., but at some schools I'm applying to people suggest calling the admissions counselors to assert yourself and express that you show great interest. Would this be advisable at Wisconsin? Is there anything else I could do to show that if I could have applied early decision, I would have? Any other general advice?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>Be patient and wait to see what happens. Enjoy your last year of HS and keep up the grades- both for good study habits and to increase your knowledge base for college.</p>