What non-Ivy schools come to mind when you think of the Ivy League?

<p>I'm just curious to what people think here. I'm looking for a handful of non-Ivy schools people usually think of when hearing "Ivy League." Don't ask the practicality of the question please? Thanks :)</p>

<p>Georgetown is always being included with Ivy league… Always. But in my opinion, and from what I’ve talked to my friends about, UVA is considered “Ivy”. A list would be this:</p>



<p>Stanford, MIT, Caltech (all of those are obvious though).
UChic seems to jump when I think of Ivy as well.</p>


<p>stanford, chicago, and mit immediately. further thought brings northwestern into the mix.</p>

<p>These are the schools I thought were a part of the Ivy League but weren’t when I was a young kid. I still think of them when someone says, “Ivy League”: </p>


<p>Nowadays, I also think of this school because of HYPSM:</p>


<p>Here are the Ivy League schools I DON’T think of first when someone says “Ivy League” and that pop up in my head after the other Ivy Leagues and the 3 above listed colleges:</p>

UPenn (It took me 30 seconds to come up with this school even now!)</p>

<p>I see from what I see, the college counts more than 1 goes:
Stanford - 3
MIT - 3
UChicago - 2
Duke - 2</p>

<p>Thanks for the answers, guys.</p>

<p>When I was in HS I remember a friend who’s from the higher class told me about the Ivy League and he mentioned Harvard, Yale, Princeton… and then … William & Mary, Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Berkeley and MIT. Seriously. So, up until I applied to US schools, I thought the Ivy League is a group of very old, very expensive and very prestigious universities that is comprised of:</p>

William & Mary<br>
Johns Hopkins</p>

<p>Georgetown I think has the most natural affiliation based on social pedigree, historical roots and campus feel. I think Chicago, Duke and Stanford are young enough that they have successfully established their own identities separate from the Ivy League.</p>


<p>Stanford gets dismissed quickly by most due to geography… most realize it cannot be Ivy league on the west coast. Though I will say Stanford probably gets mistakenly included into the Ivy League grouping more often than Dartmouth, Brown, or Cornell.</p>

<p>If you want to give mention to Duke and Northwestern, then I would certainly include WashUStL and Rice, from an academic standpoint, when answering this question.</p>

<p>Before the Ivy League was formally constituted as an athletic conference with its present membership, the term “ivy league” was used by sportswriters and others to refer to the 9 northeastern colleges with Colonial origins—Harvard, Yale, Brown, Dartmouth, Columbia, Princeton, Penn, Rutgers, and Bowdoin. In some cases the US Military Academy (West Point) and the US Naval Academy (Annapolis) were included in this group. </p>

<p>The outlier among the current Ivy League 8 is Cornell, which was founded in 1865, has by far the largest undergrad enrollment, and is the only quasi-public institution in the group, with its “contract colleges” funded by the State of New York. I certain ways Bowdoin is more Ivy-like than Cornell by virtue of its age, its distinguished history, its traditions of academic excellence, and its dominance in its home state, akin to that of Dartmouth in New Hampshire, Harvard in Massachusetts, Brown in Rhode Island, Yale in Connecticut, and Princeton in New Jersey. To some extent Middlebury plays a similar role in Vermont, though it does not trace its roots as far back as the colonial era, as it was founded in 1800. Williams is a little older (1793) but has always been overshadowed in Massachusetts by Harvard. Rutgers was very much Ivy-like in its history and composition until it was adopted as a state university by the New Jersey legislature in 1945; I think that disqualifies it. </p>

<p>So I would say, referring to the original meaning of “ivy league,” Bowdoin and Middlebury are the most Ivy-like, in each case more so than Cornell which is a cross between a Civil War-era private college (compare MIT, founded 1861, or Boston College, founded 1863; Duke, Northwestern, and NYU are all older, Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins just slightly younger) and a Big Ten-style public university.</p>

<p>@ UVAorBust…what “friends” do you have that say UVA = Ivy? Maybe you’re thinking of University of Vermont, but not Virginia, no way in hell…</p>

<p>Hell I’d even go as far to say Tulane > UVA</p>


<p>growing up Ivy league was a term used colloquially to refer to the best colleges in the US.</p>

<p>schools I was surprised were not part of the ivy:</p>

<p>Stanford, MIT</p>

<p>Schools I was surprised were part of the ivy:</p>

<p>Dartmouth, UPenn</p>

<p>I thought the ivy league was: Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, MIT, Cornell, Brown.</p>

<p>then I finished middle school and actually began to think about college.</p>


<p>You think Vermont and Tulane are better schools than UVa? What rock you live under?</p>

<p>Duke, Stanford.</p>


UVa is definitely better than Vermont and Tulane but it’s no Ivy League. </p>

<p>Every school which has “University of [state]” in its name automatically feels a lot less prestigious. Ironically, UPenn is the University of Pennsylvania but I guess that’s part of the reason everyone forgets about it a lot.</p>

<p>@ so yeah</p>

<p>No I don’t, UVa and I are friends (unfortunately). It’s just an inside joke.</p>

<p>and yeah, UVa, soak in that “unfortunately”, absorb it like a friggen sponge. soak it up, soak it up realll gooood.</p>

<p>I’ve never met a TJC before in my life? Honestly what rock do you live under believing that UVA is worse than Tulane? I don’t believe that is an inside joke. It is very hurtful for you to be making fun of all the colleges I dream of attending. I have to go to school everyday feeling disgraced of my existance because you put me down so much. I wanted Scranton, you made fun of me till I cried. I wanted Washington and Lee, you made fun of me till I cried. Please sir, enough is enough. :)</p>

<p>Is that just one giant lie, or I am sniffing crack again? Right now I’m so dazed and confused it really could be either one.</p>

<p>All the crap I put up with you, don’t be surprised if one day, it’s all gone…<em>POOF</em></p>