<p>GW, Villanova, Carnegie Mellon</p>
<p>nyu (steinhardt), cornell (aem), upenn (wharton), dartmouth, umich</p>
<p>Why would you apply to Wharton and Steinhardt and not Stern?</p>
<p>Haha, I know, I hear that a lot. As I was posting that, I figured someone would ask that.</p>
<p>I'm applying to the Music Business program at Steinhardt. NYU was my first choice, so naturally I went for the major that was specific for my future career path. Plus, they give you that internship opportunity.</p>
<p>I applied to Wharton as a kind of "eh, what the hell" kinda thing. But as time goes by, I'm starting to realize it's not SUCH a crazy thought.</p>
<p>why dartmouth, it smells</p>
I've been turned off to Dartmouth a lot, lately</p>
<p>In all fairness to Dartmouth, it does have its own ski slope...and some very friendly girls as well (at least when I used to visit friends there a few years back...not sure about the babe situation today though).</p>
<p>Columbia, Notre Dame, Boston College, Tulane, U of Conn, Wellesley, Wash U</p>
<p>--got into all except Columbia :(
--still waiting to hear from NYU (which is probably my first choice) & Wash U</p>
<p>George Washington, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, Stanford and NYU. Im from CA and Ive never even been to the east coast....</p>
<p>Columbia, Duke, MIT, CalTech, Alabama.</p>
<p>I'm only seriously considering Duke, NYU and Alabama at this point because I'm going to need some merit money to go anywhere expensive.</p>
<p>whoa... hold up. You're saying you don't consider NYU to be expensive?</p>
<p>"because I'm going to need some merit money to go anywhere expensive."</p>
<p>and NYU offers that merit money, I perhaps should have added.</p>
<p>Eh, I think the merit aid would probably be better at Columbia if you got in. NYU aid seems pretty crappy.</p>
<p>I doubt that, none of the ivies give merit scholarships</p>
<p>Oh. Duh. I mean gift aid. If it's need-based, I wouldn't expect much gift aid from NYU. Their % need met is pretty crappy, even when you take loans into account. I probably won't go to NYU because the other schools I applied to (Occidental, Oberlin, Denison) have great aid.</p>
<p>None of the ivys give merit aid. NYU does give some merit aid, but the people who qualify for such are damn close to perfect.</p>
<p>ivies give some merits, some african american kid in my school got a yale scholarship.</p>
<p>But I'd venture the Yale scholarship was need based (ie due to his family income), not merit based. </p>
<p>Merit based scholarships are not allowed under Ivy League rules.</p>
<p>Here is an interesting Yale article on this:</p>
<p>Besides the C.A.&S. at NYU...I also applied to Harvard (deferred from early action), Wash U, Cornell, and Brown.</p>
<p>My safeties were BU, University of Michigan, Tufts, and Bates (I have no intention of going there, but its dad's alma mater, and he pays the bills).</p>
<p>I have transfer apps out for stern, wharton, and mcgill.</p>