What part's of the ACT are considered Math+Verbal for a combined score?

<p>I am interested in the Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Class which is basically a pre-commissioning program where I go to Quantico, VA for two summers during college.</p>

<p>Anyways, one of the requirements to get in the program is that you must have a combined score of 45 on the Math+Verbal sections. I obviously can figure out what part is Mathematics, but what is considered verbal? Is verbal, reading plus english or just reading or just english? Also do you figure science into the Mathematics, or not? </p>

<p>Thanks for any help you guy's can provide, and I am very glad I found this resource to use.</p>

<p>It’s gotta be english + math. If three sections were factored in, you would only need a 15 average…</p>

<p>^idk… i’d e-mail them… verbal+math for sat = reading + math… but it can turn out either way</p>