<p>"Algebra II AP"</p>
<p>"Algebra II AP"</p>
<p>I still want to know if that stuff about URMs was true.</p>
<p>your chances arent good...</p>
<p>You have good extra-curriculars and weighted gpa is great ; I you still have a sot</p>
<p>I saw that NYU's avg SATs is a 1310 and im aiming for around their so do you think i can get in if i increase my sats?</p>
<p>just pray for GSP....</p>
<p>My S had a 3.43 uw and a 4.1 wl 1490 on the old SATs; 2210 on the New AP scholar with distinction, national merit commended student. lots of ECs, personal invitation from U.S. Congressman to intern in his office, national cartoon award. he didn't get into NYU ED. so you're chances are slim unless something else makes you stand out</p>
<p>I knew an URM last year with a 3.3, 88UW get into ED NYU-CAS but he had a 1330 and great EC's (better than yours). </p>
<p>I think you need about a 1400+.</p>
<p>If you can get your scores to NYU's averge and have good essays and recs, you have an excellent chance. NYU is a good college, but it's not exactly an ivy. You will do fine there with what you describe. Good schools will bend ver backwards to work with people who don't have the advantage of a good suburban education. Go for it!!!</p>
<p>"My S had a 3.43 uw and a 4.1 wl 1490 on the old SATs; 2210 on the New AP scholar with distinction, national merit commended student. lots of ECs, personal invitation from U.S. Congressman to intern in his office, national cartoon award. he didn't get into NYU ED. so you're chances are slim unless something else makes you stand out"</p>
<p>He didnt even make it to gsp?</p>
<p>I still want to know if that statement about URMs with 3.3's at Harvard/Stanford is true, cause I'm doubtful.</p>
<p>^^ yea im wondering bout dat too</p>
<p>bw, wuts a URM?</p>
<p>Under-represented Minority (Native American, Hispanic, Black, etc . . . )</p>
<p>is that urm thing really true??</p>
<p>Please no more post on URM. If your interested, just do a search there's plenty of post about that stuff.</p>
<p>I think there'd be less stuff on URM if the original question was answered. Those are must my thoughts, though.</p>
<p>Here you go, you can evaluate with this. This is all others on this site have to look at, so a second opinion is well an opinion, not a fact. So it's up to you. I truly don't think what we say will have affect on your chances of getting in. Get those SAT scores up, work hard on your GPA, and apply. That's the best advice you can get. Anything else is complete bs.</p>
<p>35% In-state students
65% Out-of-state students
1% Part-time students </p>
<p>61% Women
39% Men </p>
<p><1% American Indian/Alaskan Native
19% Asian/Pacific Islander
4% Black/Non-Hispanic
7% Hispanic
52% White/Non-Hispanic
5% Non-Resident Alien
12% Race/ethnicity unreported </p>
<p>68% in top 10th of graduating class
95% in top quarter of graduating class
100% in top half of graduating class </p>
<p>36% had h.s. GPA of 3.75 and higher
34% had h.s. GPA between 3.5 and 3.74
17% had h.s. GPA between 3.25 and 3.49
11% had h.s. GPA between 3.0 and 3.24
2% had h.s. GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 </p>
<p>SAT Reasoning Verbal: 620 - 710
SAT Reasoning Math: 620 - 710 </p>
<p>Very important admission factors:
Application Essay
Rigor of secondary school record
Academic GPA </p>
<p>Important admission factors:
Character/Personal Qualities
Class Rank
Extracurricular Activities
Standardized Test Scores
Talent/Ability </p>
Alumni Relation
Racial/Ethnic Status
Volunteer Work
Work Experience
First generation college student
Level of Applicant's Interest</p>
<p>i took a practice test amd my verbal was a 560, math was a 640, and my writing was a 720....what are my chances now?</p>
<p>Still Bad.
That translates to a 1200 SAT I with a 720 Writing.</p>