My question is pretty much as the title reads. What review books would you recommend for AP Chemistry and AP United States History?
If you are able to give reasons why you prefer a certain review book, could you please tell me why you prefer that review book? Is it because of the explanation of concepts? Or are the questions good?
Additionally, a bit off topic from my title, but are there review books from AP English Language and AP Spanish Language? If so, please tell me which ones you recommend! And, like above, if you could give details why you like a certain review book, please let me know.
It may be worth noting that I will NOT be self studying these classes.
Thank you!
For APUSH use the AMSCO book, my teacher even used a question on each test that came from the AMSCO book so we will use it to study.
It depends on how well you know history. I would highly recommend the Princeton Review book if you know a decent amount, but need a refresher, or just to get a better sense of how things happened chronologically
@2016senior Thank you for your suggestion!
@TheWaffleMan149 What review book would you recommend for someone whose last American History class was in 3 or 4 years ago?
I think I did fine with the PR book, but if you want something more in depth, I would probably go with Barrons. I know that in general, Barrons has a tendency to make their practice tests much harder than the actual thing, and include much more information than you would ever need. The new AP exam (which I took this year) is more focused on general trends and less on specific information, and I don’t know how easy those aspects can be determined in the Barrons book. I did use their USH Subject Test book, which focuses on different parts of history that the AP, but I was not a big fan of the way that it was organized.
@TheWaffleMan149 Thank you so much for your advice!
You’re welcome! Hope I helped!
The AMSCO book is amazing. I had the first half of APUSH this year and my teacher told us at the beginning of the year that he recommended us to buy it as a supplement, and then proceeded to use all the questions in it on his test. To me, its a good summary of my textbook and was nice to have throughout the year whenever something from my textbook was unclear, and overall just good reviews for tests. I will definitely use it in APUSH next year!
For AP Chemistry, I would recommend REA Crash Course.
For APUSH, I would recommend Essent Content: AP US History. If you get AMSCO, I would remind you that a lot of commitment is needed to finish a 1000-page book.
I recommend the Princeton Review and AMSCO books for AP US History. I recommend not taking AP Chemistry. 
@KE3299 Thank you for your recommendation! I’ll be sure to take it into consideration.
@Centry Thank you for both your recommendations! I’ll look into the books you recommended.
@PhilipL Also, thank you for your recommendations as well! (I feel like I’m saying that to everyone and it’s lost its meaning, but I mean what I say.) It’s too late for me to back out of AP Chemistry. besides, I need the science credit.
@Faultystart Haha I was only half kidding. This class ruined me. Unfortunately, I don’t have a recommendation for this class. I’m sorry!