What’s worse— NP or Drop? / Drop class w CalGrant

I am stuck. It’s halfway through week 6 and I don’t know if I should drop my class, or just change my grade type to P/NP. I know that if I change my grade type, I’m definitely getting an NP. But I just really want to drop the course. Problem is, I have calgrant money. I’m currently enrolled in 13 units but if I drop this, I’ll have 9. I read that if I’m enrolled full-time for 6 weeks, I can drop without having it affect my financial aid, but should I risk it? I’m too afraid to talk to a counselor about this. Also, should I just opt for the NP? Both are bad but which looks “better”? Bc if an NP looks better than a drop I’ll probably just stick with that, but I’d rather just drop it altogether.

I go to UCLA btw.