What scholarship is this?

<p>thinking about moving to Idaho!</p>

<p>My son received Pres scholarship a couple years ago so it isn’t new. It was for 25K and still after doing all the math (since their tuition is so high at 50K) it still wasn’t worth it (unless it had been a first choice school). He was invited to an interview for the full tuition scholarship.</p>

@Linymom HI, I just came across your post and find myself in a very similar position. My daughter has standing scholarship offers from several schools, Tulane $32K, Case Western $25K, Alabama full academic scholarship, The U has offered her $14K cane achievement award. The U and Tulane are very high on her list of schools with the U being slightly favored. My question is did you have any luck with them raising their offer when you met with them and presented them with the offer you received from Tulane. I am thinking of doing the same thing and wanted to see how receptive they were to this. TIA.

This is interesting -

My daughter received ONLY a 1,000 a semester HENRY CABALLERO ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP. That’s the only scholarship money she received and then a $19,800 a year UM Coral Grant, however this is obviously need-based. Based on what I’ve read above from you all, I’m disappointed that my daughter didn’t get a larger scholarship.

She has very similar stats to some of the above.

M: 700, CR: 710, W: 670
GPA: 4.1
AP English, AP Stat, AP Chem
Top high school in state, charter school
FIRST Robotics participant
Engineering prospective major

Is there anything I can do to see why she didn’t receive a larger scholarship? Could it have to do with her need-based award?

I was very disappointed in my daughter’s award also. 2270 SAT (800M 720R 750W). She also got 32K per year from Tulane. SMU has offered $31,500 per year. Miami was very high on her list but without the 28K per year scholarship we won’t give her that option. She only got 21K from Miami, the same offer her sister, who had much lower stats, got 2 years ago.

I have researched and found out the presidential scholarship only goes up to 25k at this point, and if you were invited to singer stamps weekend and do not receive any of those scholarships, they may bump your scholarship amount up 3k to the 28k limit that is included in the Presidential Scholarship description on their website. I received the 25k scholarship plus 3k in a state grant because I’m from Florida, so that’s why some people may be saying they already received 28k. 34 ACT 1 sitting, 4.0 UW 4.7 W and 12 APs- 5 this year, mostly 5’s on scores with 2 4’s and one 3 on AP Spanish.

How did you get notified of receiving the scholarship? Did it come with the acceptance letter?

@syd0898 Someone on last years Singer Stamps forum said that their merit scholarship got bumped up quite a bit when they didn’t get the Singer Stamps, not sure if that was an isolated case or there are others who got a good amount? Can anyone comment on how they deal with students who don’t win

Also, do most Singer Stamps get in as Foote Fellows?

Got jan 29 email first on Pres Schlrship. $26k. invited to stamps/singer competition on feb 20th.
1600/2330 sat, 3.99/4.0 UW, decent essays, good EC’s, very rigorous high school, 12 AP’s by graduation. Landmail package came a few days later, on Feb 1. I’m out of state.