What scholarship would I get?

<p>I am from GA. I go to a VERY good and competitive private school. I hadn’t previously considered Alabama, but my college counselor told me that if I went there I’d likely be at the top of the class and get all the opportunities vs. if I went to one of the other schools on my list, I would likely be mediocre. I visited and actually really loved the campus. I don’t have any financial need, but it would be super cool to save my college fund money for grad school and have undergrad be really cheap (some of the other schools on my list cost upwards of 55k per year). How much merit scholarship money do ya’ll think I could get with these stats?
According to Alabama’s standards I have a 4.0 gpa
I have a 2070 on the SAT.
Are there any other factors that go into scholarship consideration? I know national merit scholar status, but I was sick the day i took the psat and only got like a 195 so nowhere near qualifying for that :frowning:
I am in the national honors society though, but i don’t think that counts for anything.

<p>Also I would be in the honors college, so how good is that? People have given me extremely mixed opinions on Alabama in general.</p>

<p>What’s your combined reading and math score on the sat?? That’s what they consider…</p>

<p>Here’s the link that lists scholarships for out of state students (I’m also from GA and I’ll be getting the UA Scholar, so you might qualify for Presidential because your test scores are a little higher than mine :)</p>

<p>[Out-of-State</a> Scholarships - Undergraduate Scholarships - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html]Out-of-State”>http://scholarships.ua.edu/types/out_of_state.html)</p>

<p>Yes, you’d get into the Honors College.</p>

<p>However, your Math + CR score will determine your scholarship.</p>

<p>And, your major might determine your scholarship as well. What will your major be?</p>

<p>my college counselor told me that if I went there I’d likely be at the top of the class</p>

<p>you would be a strong student, but it’s hard to say whether you’d be “top of your class”. Bama has a lot of high stats students. 182 NMFs enrolled this last fall. Over 500 students with the Presidential Scholarship (1400+ SAT Math + CR). </p>

<p>25% of Bama’s students have an ACT 30+. It won’t be a breeze to be a top student, but you could be. :)</p>

<p>Wow thanks for that link. And yah according to the stats I could be a presidential scholar. Do i just automatically get it if i qualify? Is that like a full ride scholarship? That’d be awesome haha.
I’d be majoring in something business related.
And yah true there will definitely be competition there, but with the HUGE amount of undergrad’s i’m pretty sure i could be in the top 5% at least and my counselor seems to think that may look better to a graduate school than being in the bottom 50% at a top 20 school.
Idk but I also think I would join a sorority, so I just hope that wouldn’t cut my work ethic down. haha hopefully there would be other motivated girls too. But i did check their average gpas and they were like a 3.2 to a 3.4 so that kind of worries me. I’m probably overthinking this ha</p>

<p>Yes, you automatically get it! I guess it’s technically not a full ride because you would still have to pay housing and meal plan and all that, but presidential definitely takes the price down A LOT!!! I’m also hoping to join a sorority, and be in the honors college at the same time… so im hoping my work ethic and motivation wont go down either!!! :slight_smile: oh well, its college right? we’re supposed to have fun!</p>

<p>If you have a 1400 M+CR SAT and you apply now, you will get the scholarship (since you also have the GPA)</p>

<p>This is ASSURED. It’s a full-tuition scholarship (not a full ride). Full Ride covers tuition, room, board, etc. This covers tuition only.</p>


<p>BTW…many sorority girls have strong GPAs.</p>

<p>Yah when i said full ride i just meant like full tuition. I’m cool with paying for housing and meals and stuff. That’s still freaking awesome! hahaha. I’m REALLY considering coming here now because some of the other schools i’m applying to are just SO expensive and I don’t qualify for any financial aid :(.
And nice egcvball if we both go there we would totally go through recruitment together! good luck to you as it seems like you already know you are going there :slight_smile: But yah I def wanna live it up but keep my grades up as well. studybuddies? lol
Well thanks for the help. ya’ll answered really fast. lovin’ the bama community!</p>

<p>I’ve only been to Tuscaloosa once in my entire life, but that’s all it took for me to fall in love with UA! I love the fact that it’s a high quality school, without the ridiculous costs and other challenges of supposedly “better” schools… If you end up going, we’ll def have to stay in touch through rush and everything! and if want another way to get info about Bama, there’s a facebook group for the class of 2016 (for those planning on attending and those who are just interested and still deciding) so you can check that out too! Good luck with your decision and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>[Welcome</a> to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More](<a href=“Facebook - log in or sign up”>Facebook - log in or sign up)</p>


<p>I have to ask…what does your screenname mean? I keep trying to figure it out. :)</p>

<p>Hey… we have the exact same SAT score. High five.</p>

<p>I think they determine your scholarship stuff by looking at your reading and math scores. If you have a 1400, you’re good to go.</p>

<p>haha ohhh goodness, i made that up back in middle school i think! :slight_smile:
egc is my initials, vballchic is supposed to be like volleyball chick, and 3 is just a random number… its just what i use for everything… cant seem to break the habit :slight_smile: but i guess i should think about switching over to something more “professional” sometime soon since im a senior in high school! haha</p>

<p>high five indeed tommy! haha. :slight_smile: and thanks for the fb group link. i’ll probably join it after i actually officially apply soon and get accepted so it feels more official haha. from there i guess i’ll just compare it to other offers I get and weigh the pros and cons haha.
i also had a minor freakout when i realized to help in rush i needed like all these recs for the sororities. but thank God apparently my school has a network of moms that my college counselor just tells to write recs for each chapter and they do. haha problem averted but just that whole process in general will be sooo stressful</p>

<p>Ahhh…egc vball!!! I was trying to put it as …egcv ball…and I couldn’t figure out what sport that could be. lol</p>

<p>ok…Ineed2getin…you now need to submityourapplication. ;)</p>

<p>The app is fast and easy…takes like 3 minutes. Get your transcripts and scores sent. You’ll get your acceptance rather quick.</p>

<p>And you DO have to also submit the scholarhship app as a formality…but still have to do it!!</p>