<p>I've been lurking on the forums for a while now, and I've decided that I need a little help finding colleges that are a good fit for me. I want to go premed in college, but I also really want to study Arabic and to study abroad. I also want to study history and/or international relations. Are there any schools that would allow me to take all these courses/majors? I'm probably going to double major, or major and minor or idk.. I don't want to be limited to one course of study and any college that I apply to has to give me the flexibility to take not only pre med courses, but also arabic and history/international relations. </p>
<p>I don't care about the location of the college, as long as its close to some kind of urban center or city where I can "get away". Merit aid would be a definite plus. Help?</p>
<p>I attend school in New York City. I got in the 2300s on the SAT, my gpa is a 4.0 u/w, I have a few leadership positions in two clubs/teams, I volunteer and spend quite a bit of time on extracurrics and babysitting/volunteering.</p>
<p>and in terms of financial situation, my family is in that position where they make just enough for me not to get much fin aid, but too little to comfortably just give me 50K a year for college. Merit aid would be a huge plus.</p>
<p>You can go fulfill the premed requirements pretty much anywhere. As Wiscongene says, we need your stats - and what you can afford. Also, size of school, geographic preferences, etc…</p>
<p>for size of school, I’d prefer a school that is on the medium/large side. I’m currently attending a high school with about 5000 kids, and going to college with 2000/3000 would just be way too weird. </p>
<p>For geographic preferences, I’d prefer the east coast and would even go to the midwest/mid atlantic or even places like virginia/maryland/ washington d.c and north carolina.</p>
<p>Well, you have quite a few options with those scores. The only thing is, it’s my understanding that it would be difficult to get fin. aid at a school in the Top 20, although I’m not sure. </p>
<p>I know that Univ. of Rochester is really good with merit aid as is Ohio State. I have heard of people going to Ohio State for free because they scored in the 99th percentile. Both Columbus and Rochester are decently large cities. Obviously, you might be looking for schools in a higher tier than those two but you might consider them nonetheless.</p>
<p>Also, I guess I have to give the obligatory plug for the Univ. of Wisconsin. It’s a big school, good academics, located in both a state capital and a city of 250,000 so that might tickle your fancy.</p>
<p>Thanks, Wiscongene. URochester and University of Wisconsin sound promising. I’ll definitely check them out.</p>
<p>Georgetown sounds like a great school, but I’ve heard bad things about their fin aid office. Is that true? Also, what are the stats for the average applicant?</p>
<p>Of the three, which has the best arabic program? Do they all have study abroad opportunities?</p>
<p>My guess would be that all of them have study-abroad opportunities. I know for a fact that Madison does because my buddy just got back from Venezuela. It would really surprise me if G-town didn’t and I do not know very much about Rochester. I know very little of Arabic programs although I’ll admit it sounds interesting.</p>
<p>On fin. aid, that’s probably true about G-town. I know a girl who is applying there and she said the same thing. Honestly though, with those stats you would probably be close to first in line for merit aid at any of the schools so I’d do some research and find out. </p>
<p>If you’re serious about pre-med and don’t care much for <em>prestige</em> etc. you might consider something like VCU which has an 8 year pre-med scholars program where you are guaranteed a spot in med. school from being accepted as a freshman. I think this would take a lot of stress off you (or anyone) and can be very valuable in the long-run. They had such a program at Madison but it was discontinued. You should just make sure you read what the prerequisites are to secure a place in such a program.</p>
<p>University of Wisconsin sounds really interesting. I’m strongly considering applying. Thanks for that! How is the student life and opportunities for work or internships there? Are you a current student? And if so, what are you majoring in?</p>
<p>After a short google search, I found that G-town offers no merit aid. Oh well. I definitely like its location and programs, though.</p>
<p>And as to VCU, I was looking up a similar program at one of the city universities here in NY. However, the terms and requirements are a bit harsh. I would feel restricted applying to such a program.</p>
<p>Are there any liberal arts schools that are good to go premed, while studying arabic, history and international relations?</p>
<p>Nope. Not a current student. Haha. Hopefully, it doesn’t detract too much from my advice to say that I’m a junior who is applying to colleges this fall. Mostly, I’m in a similar position as you (although slightly lower standardized tests) and I’m just relaying onto you what others have told me. </p>
<p>I live in Wisconsin, have visited Madison many times and it’s a very active, interesting place and campus. Like any state-school, it’s big, the sporting events are absolutely wild and it’s a party scene (especially considering that it’s Wisconsin and alcohol is so readily available). Other than that, though, it’s a public Ivy and I’ve heard many good things about it’s academics. The state capitol building is literally right next to dorms so that would probably be of some interest to you. The whole state is going through some growing pains right now so I’d imagine it would be an interesting time to get involved in government stuff like you said. </p>
<p>If you’re seriously looking for an internship with some big-name Congressman or something, G-town might be the better choice. </p>
<p>Obviously, I will be applying there but hopefully we won’t be competing against each other. I would like to major in Genetics. ;p</p>
<p>Edit: People have just started introducing me to some of the LACs. I really don’t know too much about them. Sorry.</p>
<p>You’re a Junior too?! Yay! Good luck with the college search/application/admissions process. It already sounds so intimidating. </p>
<p>I’m not really into the party scene/alcohol thing. But, as you said, it is a big school, so I could probably find other things to do. Are there a lot of premeds at UWisconsin? And organizations?</p>
<p>And, what do you know about UPenn? One of my friends attends it. She’s said nothing but good things.</p>
<p>Reach: Washington University in St.Louis and John Hopkins
Match: University of Virginia, University of Michigan
Safety:SUNY Geneseo and Ohio State</p>
<p>D2 had 2270 SATs, close to 4.0 and wanted to study Arabic. Her primary goal was Georgetown, and she wound up at Harvard. She also applied to Yale, Columbia, Princeton, UVA, Southern Cal and GW. Georgetown has the oldest and largest Arabic program in the country, and it’s also among the top names in International Relations.</p>
<p>Well, when I visited there, it seemed like every other person who happened to be visiting that day planned on doing pre-med. I’m sure there are organizations, and I know the school itself has a medical school and is affiliated with several local hospitals. I want to say that Wisky is ranked 5th or 6th in the nation in terms of federal and state-funded research (for public schools, at least) so I’m sure you’d find some of that to get involved in as well.</p>
<p>Believe me, I’d be the last person to get caught up in the drinking and parting scene (you’ll notice my thread in this forum where I ask for schools that are renowned for bio but not for partying). However, Madison isn’t only a big school of about 30,000 undergrads, it’s also a big city like I said. So, I’m hoping that if I get accepted, I will be able a to find my niche somewhere in a town of 250,000. </p>
<p>On UPenn: I know very little. I suspect that as an ivy-league school they have great networking and prestige. However, I haven’t heard much of their bio or premed dept. specifically.</p>
<p>Good Luck to you as well! I think we have it better than most with our 4.0 uw, 97+ percentile scores, volunteering and sports. Believe and you will succeed! Haha</p>
<p>Wiscongene, I wish us the best of luck What do you want to major in?</p>
<p>gadad, did your daughter get accepted to georgetown? And, right now, how does she like Harvard?</p>
<p>Seattle Bulldog, I’ll definitely check out University of Virginia. And, what do you mean by reach schools/match? Would match be more of guaranteed/or close to guaranteed admission? </p>
<p>Thank you all for your information and suggestions. So far, I’ll check out University of virginia, Georgetown, University of Wisconsin- Madison, UMichigan, and maybe WUSTL. Idk about Johns Hopkins program in arabic/history.</p>