What schools are similar?

<p>Congratulations, bct, and welcome to CC!</p>

<p>Here are a few things to notice on the bright side, as undoubtedly you will have some feelings about "what could have been" at Bates:</p>

<p>Weather--CC has a huge amount of sunshine, and the winters are not as brutally cold as in ME nor as dark and long.</p>

<p>Town--yeah, my kid complains about Colorado Springs, but it is a metropolis compared to Lewiston. Plus you are about an hour from Denver and less than another hour from Boulder for variety on block breaks. Much less congested than the drive to Boston.</p>

<p>Terrain--close to some of the best skiing, hiking and climbing on the continent. </p>

<p>Student body--I noted on another thread that you are from NC. I'm originally from GA, now BC, and I'm really sensitive to pretentiousness. Although Bates seemed pretty good to me on this issue (S and I visited both), it is still in that phalanx of elite New England schools. CC has the Colorado vibe with a nice alert yet laid back feel to it. A big majority of the students participate in some kind of sport, and overall they are really fit and healthy looking.</p>

<p>Block Plan--My son just loves it! Classes are small & discussion based, the work is pretty intense, but every 3 1/2 weeks you have one exam and/or paper and it's done. Long enough break to get away, and never any work over major school vacations.</p>

<p>Wishing you all the best and really hope you are happy at CC!</p>

<p>My son picked CC over an ivy,and over some very nice merit choices even though he knew little about the school in terms of reputation or from anyone who had gone there. He visited it for a few days, and he was hooked. Loved it. Loves it. The block plan is tailor made for a kid like him. He was getting pretty down and tired about academics and this has really put new life in him. I could not be happier for him. I have never seen him so happy!</p>