What schools are similar?

<p>D's guidance counselor just suggested Colorado College. I know a little about it, but not what would be similar schools and "safer" schools. Are there others with the 1 class at a time thing? What are typical schools with crossover apps? What are similar schools with somewhat lower stats?</p>


<p>There are 2 other schools I know about that use the Block Plan. One is Cornell College in Iowa. It is profiled in "Colleges that Change Lives", and I suspect it is quite a bit easier to get into.</p>

<p>The other, probably very easy to get into, is Quest University (actually a very small LAC) in Squamish, BC, just north of Vancouver. However, Quest is very new and does not have all the wrinkles ironed out yet.</p>

<p>Whitman, in WA, has a similar athletic, outdoorsy student body and similar stats required, but no Block Plan. It was my son's second choice.</p>

<p>This link will give you some reviews of CC:</p>

<p>Colorado</a> College - College Reviews - The College Search - AdmissionsAdvice.com</p>

<p>Because of the Block Plan, location, and the kind of students it attracts, CC is unique. If your D is interested, I really hope you visit.</p>

<p>Go to this link:
<a href="http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Section2NewStudentEnrollments.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.coloradocollege.edu/dean/oir/documents/Section2NewStudentEnrollments.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Then look for the section on "Top Ten Cross-Over Colleges of Admitted Students"
(page 12). Most of these schools are as selective as CC, or more so, but it's a start.</p>

<p>The answer to your question really depends on what features of CC attract you to the school, other than Block Plan. The Rocky Mountain setting, for example?</p>

<p>For a "safety", we considered St. Mary's College of Maryland. Small school, nice waterfront setting, great academics. I don't know if it would be less selective than CC for out-of-state students or not.</p>

<p>Marlboro College in Vermont, New College of Florida, Hampshire College, and Warren Wilson are all examples of schools in attractive settings, with "alternative" curriculum and good academics, but generally less selective than CC. Some of them also project a certain counter-culture vibe, which may or may not be your thing.</p>

<p>If you are looking for more of a mainstream Liberal Arts College, check out any of the schools in the Associated Colleges of the Midwest.</p>

<p>tk21769, Thanks, I hadn't seen that list and found it interesting. Especially interesting that kids accepted at CC chose instead to attend Lewis & Clark, U of Puget Sound, Denver U. My S looked into all of those, also. Easier to get into, nice places with outdoorsy kids, but I think not nearly so interesting as CC. I can imagine that the kids who chose those schools might have gotten merit aid there but not at CC.</p>

<p>My S also applied to Colby & Bates, which were stat stretches for him. He got into CC ED, so we don't know what else he might have gotten into. Several other of the schools on that list require higher stats than CC.</p>

<p>However, Bingle, you never know in any particular year how a school is trying to balance their student body, so if your D's stats are in range, why not have a go at any place she fancies? And just be sure she has several "likelies" on her list, too.</p>

<p>Middlebury and Colorado College also share applicants but Middlebury is very selctive.</p>

<p>Yes, if you are looking at the very most selective end of the spectrum, the list could include Middlebury, Bowdoin, and Dartmouth. Like CC, these are small schools in nice cold weather settings with good opportunities for winter sports. Maybe Carleton, too. </p>

<p>If you are looking for small colleges with great academics that are a little easier to get into than the New England ("NESCAC") schools, look at Macalester, Oberlin, Grinnell. </p>

<p>Earlham is another good one, less selective than CC, with very good academics but in a setting that is not as attractive. Then there is Guilford College, which is (like Earlham) a traditionally Quaker school. </p>

<p>Compared to all these others, what CC has going for it includes the Block plan, the Rocky Mountain setting, lots of sunshine, and Division I athletics (ice hockey).</p>

<p>Thanks, these responses give me lots to look into;)
The reason the counselor suggested CC was that d struggles with juggling and prioritizing, so the 1 class at a time might allow her to focus better. She also loves snowboarding/skiing so that's a draw.</p>

<p>She's only a freshman, so we have loads of time. Older d is in the most selective world, so I know alot more about those schools. Now I can turn attention to ones that will be a good fit for d2.</p>

<p>I really recommend "Colleges that Change Lives", book and website. It really helped me wrap my mind around the concept of "fit" rather than "best academics possible".</p>

<p>BTW, we visited Guilford. While a bit too "soft" for my S, it is a very lovely school in NC.</p>

<p>I applied to Colorado College and was accepted there and also at Pomona, Whitman, Scripps, and Willamette. I second the comparison to Whitman--they both have good outdoor programs, but so does Pomona and Pomona's outdoor program doesn't cost extra. That would be more of a reach/reachy-match school (15% acceptance) than CC for most kids, but it is an excellent school. I also think that a lot of people who go to CC also look at Lewis and Clark in Portland, OR, which, I believe, is less selective than CC and may make a good safety. </p>

<p>When I visited, I met someone who might choose CC over Stanford--seriously! Now that's taking into consideration fit rather than prestige.</p>


<p>Congratulations on a group of fabulous choices! Have you made a decision yet?</p>

<p>When we visited CC, our tour guide had picked it over two top Ivies. I was pretty amazed. I think the Block Plan and those wonderful mountains really call to some people.</p>

<p>Bingle, </p>

<p>We also visited Willamette, which has a pretty campus, is fairly easy to get into, and is climbing in the rankings (if that matters to you). The professional college counsellor we worked with had a lot of good things to say about it. It is supposed to be a nurturing place. My S's experience with the admissions people certainly indicated that; Willamette was one of the most inviting and helpful schools in that process.</p>

<p>It is pretty close to good snow (Mt. Hood), too.</p>

<p>One thing to consider with L & C and Willamette is weather. If your D is not used to year-long drizzle, that can be a real drawback. Took me a year to acclimate, and now I love the PNW.</p>


<p>Although CC's outdoor program was one of it's draws, I don't think my son even uses it. On block breaks, seems like he is always going skiing somewhere with friends. Enough kids have cars and access to cabins that he never has a problem getting a ride and a place to stay.</p>

<p>I have a friend who lives in Claremont. I recently visited her and walked around Pomona and the adjacent campuses. Beautiful, and of course the weather is great. Not a school for skiers, though.</p>

<p>Actually, there is skiing available from Pomona, tho I don't know how many actually do.
Terrible school for asthmatics, but otherwise great.</p>

<p>Yes, skiing is available there. I was told that the beach rules, which makes sense.</p>

<p>If you want outdorrsy and easier to get into..check out Greeen Mountain College in Poultney, VT...</p>

<p>im applying to CC as a transfer. it is in my top 3 with bates and swarthmore. all very close, but bates is EXTREMELY similar, minus the block plan, although it is a little more difficult to get in to. kenyon college in ohio has also been reccomended to me as a school similar to cc. being from nc, i can also identify Guilford College in Greensboro, NC seemingly very similar to CC, although about 900 students rather than 2000; it is a little easier to get in to than CC</p>

<p>If you compare the profile of the class of 2012 for Bates and Colorado College it is impossible to say Colorado College is easier to get into. CC received 5328 apps, Bates 5290. CC admitted 1394 with 555 enrolled (an overall 26% admit rate, 17% regular)
Bates enrolled 559 but do not list number admitted nor do they list acceptance rate.
73% of CC admits graduated in top 10% of class, 48% of Bates admits graduated in top
10%. Although CC lists mid 50% range SAT score and Bates list average SAT they appear to be within 20 points of each other. It is clearly the intangibles that result in acceptance to one and not the other.</p>

<p>according to 2007 Stats Bates had 29% acceptance vs CC 32%, and the median differences were 20-30 points per section, slight drops, but numbers really only matter when they are key with acceptance, which really isnt the case at either school. my saying that bates is slightly more difficult to get in to was really based on these numbers and CC having aprx 400 more students, leaving more room for admitted students. both are great schools, neither "better" than the other, and truely hope that i will be admitted to atleast one within the next week or two, so that i will have gotten in to one of my top two choices (if i get into both, id be two for two!)</p>

<p>Good luck, bct1989, and please let us know!</p>

<p>thanks. just got both letters. accepted at CC, but not at Bates... on the bright side i wont have to decide between to great schools.</p>

<p>Congratualtions on your acceptance to CC. BTW, my earlier post cited freshman admission stats for last year ( 2008, not 2007). The information was taken directly from each schools web-site.</p>