<p>What ones do you know of? I've only heard of people getting them from Oberlin, Williams, and Swathmore</p>
<p>Macalester and Middlebury did.</p>
<p>Amherst does</p>
<p>My friend got one from Macalaster, She said it made her feel really special haha</p>
<p>Wesleyan and Brown did.</p>
<p>Bowdoin sent out early writes last week</p>
<p>Early writes = likely letters?</p>
<p>Early writes (at least in the case of Williams) is an actual “congrats, you’re in” letter. I know someone who got one recently from Cornell.</p>
<p>Likely letters (as in the case of UNC-CH) and lots of other places don’t actually come out and say you’re in, but they imply it, with things like “exceptional candidate”, etc.</p>