What science to take for senior year schedule

<p>alright, so I want to be able to boast a challenging course load, and to this point, have taken the hardest classes available to me. my junior class schedule is as follows:
Honors Junior English
French IV
AP US History
AP Physics B
AP Calculus AB
Marketing IV</p>

<p>anyways, I am planning on going into business, but I want to be competitive for competitive schools. so I want a fourth year science, but do not know the best one for my goals. </p>

<p>my senior year schedule, without science is going to be...
College English 111 and College English 131 (University of Washington in the high school)
French V
AP Government and Politics
AP Calculus BC (our school breaks AB into 1st year calculus, and BC into 2nd year calculus)
Marketing V</p>

<p>and here is the trouble...
I want to take AP Environmental Science, but I hear that it is not very challenging and will not look good on my schedule? But I do not even want to go into science, I just want to show that I can take it and succeed. </p>

<p>my other options are AP Chemistry, and AP Biology, which apparently are very difficult at my school. </p>

<p>since I am going into business, do I need to take a more rigorous science class senior year?</p>

<p>Sounds like you should just take AP Enviro. You already have a difficult course load going, and since your not applying for a major that has to do with science, I don’t think it will matter which class you take as long as you’re successful.</p>

<p>I’m in AP Chem right now and it is pretty hard. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you already have a solid foundation in chemistry. Plus, with the rest of your schedule I think the class might be too time-consuming.</p>

<p>How difficult is AP Bio at your school? Business schools look at your math and science courses/grades and i think you could benefit more from taking AP Bio since most of it is reading and memorization, unlike, say, chem or physics.</p>

<p>how is it that you have yet to take either AP Chem or AP Bio?</p>

<p>what sciences did you take F and S year?</p>

<p>My daughter will be a Junior next year and is taking AP Bio and AP Chem. Her senior year she will take AP Calc based Phys. So that will give her Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Cal Phys, and she is toying taking AP Enviro or Honors Anatomy. Have you taken AP Bio or AP Chem? In our school system the only AP classes offered Soph year are AP World History and AP Computer Science. Everything else has a “junior” requirement. Maybe you were lucky enough to take AP Bio and AP Chem prior to AP Physics because at our school one of them is required before AP Physics is taken,</p>

<p>Take the darn AP Environmental Science, I wish my school even offered that class.
How does an AP class “not” look good?</p>

<p>If you have already taken bio, chem, and physics, how about AP Stats instead? I’d think that would be relevant for a business trainee.</p>

<p>Personally, I’d drop Marketing; no competitive B-school is gonna care about a high school business class, unless it produces a credible project. </p>

<p>AP Gov is not difficult (of course ANY teacher can make an easy class brutal). Calc BC after AB should not be difficult, since AB is approx. 70% of the BC material. Go with the more rigorous science or do both Enviro & Stats.</p>

<p>thought I’d throw in that I have read from <em>many</em> sources that AP Enviro is considered by adcoms as “AP BIO LITE”. It is what it is.</p>

<p>Marketing is the only business class that my school offers, and I have already done three years in it, so I really want to be able to stress my commitment to it. I also have competed nationally in FBLA and at the state level in DECA, so business(marketing at my school) is one of my main passions that will be shown throughout my high school career. </p>

<p>if I was to go with a more rigorous science, what is better, AP Bio or AP Chem?</p>

<p>I would say AP Chem is the more difficult of the two just because it requires more analytical skill and mathematical reasoning. AP Bio is more rote memorization. But both are rigorous courses.</p>

<p>From what I’ve experienced, AP Chemistry was the more rigorous of the two. But I absolutely ADORED that class and would strongly recommend to any willing to take on the challenge.</p>