What should I be doing now?

<p>It's almost the end of my summer before my senior year, what should I be doing? College essay? Applications? Scholarships? Am I missing anything? Thanks</p>

<p>You should be doing your essays and application. The earlier the better.</p>

<p>Start the application. All the objective stuff is fairly easy to fill out. The essay will take much longer, but you should start drafting those out, too. Also, have the list of schools you will apply to as well, and start prepping for your teacher recs.</p>

<p>You should have a pretty good idea of which schools you’re applying to. Once you do, find out which use the common app and which don’t using the common app website. Then begin writing your essays – the earlier you start, the better. If you haven’t asked your teachers for recommendations, do that as soon as possible. The more time they have, the more time and effort they can put into it. Be sure to sign up for the SAT/ACT if you want to take them one more time before the deadline.</p>

<p>Later, you should request that your school send your transcript to the school you’re applying to. Be sure your standardized testing scores are sent to the schools as well.</p>

<p>Thanks guys I appreciate the help</p>