What should I do after I paid my deposit?

<p>I just paid my deposit a couple of hours ago to attend Tech next year, but I'm not sure of what to do next. I know I have to do housing and dining and stuff, and I want to apply for RLC, but I don't know what to do.. do I have to wait? but I know a lot of things like Housing and the application for RLC is due for priority on May 1st. someone please help! thank you!</p>

<p>If you’re been accepted and paid your deposit then you should have full access to those areas on hokiespa.</p>

<p>As far as applying to RLC, I would say apply ASAP.</p>

<p>From the FAQ’s:
What is the timeline for the application process?
Applications are accepted until each program is full. The application process is managed on a rolling basis, therefore it is better for you to apply early.</p>

<p>Dining should also be on HokieSpa. I’m not sure if it’s up for next fall yet, though.
How to select a dining plan:[Select</a> Your Dining Plan | Your Dining Plan Options | Dining Services | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.dining.vt.edu/plans/]Select”>Plans and Policies | Dining Services | Virginia Tech)
Plans available for on-campus students: [Major</a> Dining Plans | Your Dining Plan Options | Dining Services | DSA | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.dining.vt.edu/plans/majorplans.php]Major”>http://www.dining.vt.edu/plans/majorplans.php)</p>

<p>You should also make sure you’ve registered for Orientation, your computer meets requirements, your immunization form is up to date, and you’ve satisfied any financial aid requirements. Of course this doesn’t have to be done immediately (except RLC), but I would say by mid June you should have most done.</p>

<p>I paid my deposit on Friday and I’m still unable to create my PID on HokieSpa. Anyone else having this same problem?</p>

<p>yeah i paid mine saturday and it won’t let me in either. I called them today and they said it should be up by 6 but its not up yet… i hope its up soon because I really want to apply to RLC before the priority deadline which is May 1st… and I’ll have to write 3 essays of which I don’t even know the topic to yet -___-</p>

<p>Just be a little patient, it takes a little time after you have paid for them to process it. You should be able to create an ID after a couple of days.</p>