<p>so basically i have a year where i'm not in school and i get to do anything i want. i did this last year so hanging out and playing computer games all day is kind of getting old. what should i do?</p>
<p>options so far:
1) take classes at local (crappy) state school, i'm thinking abstract algebra, cognitive neuroscience, and either real analysis or social psychology. these classes kind of suck because they're graduate level and the kids there are 29 and married. besides i have health problems and i don't know if the procedures will be done on time. the pros of this is when i transfer schools this will be something tangible on my record. (+ educational)
2) screw around for another year
3) get my lpi linux certification. i really like linux but i'm kind of new to it.
4) go find lots of professors and do research. i already have one guy locally but if i want to make it a full time job i might find two or three
5) get a real job somewhere
6) fly to like mit and audit classes</p>
<p>what do you think?? any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. what would you do?</p>