what should i do?....

<p>I was accepted into Penn State's College of Information Science & Technology. I was also offered the Provost's Award ($12,000 split evenly over 2 years).</p>

<p>I'm having a hard time choosing between University of Washington and Penn State University Park. I plan on majoring in Informatics (information technology/science). I'm glad I got into Penn State, and I don't hear from Washington until mid March. </p>

<p>Which school has a better IT program? I can't seem to find anything on that anywhere. Can someone tell me how the IT program at Penn State is? For internships, Washington would be better because its in Seattle, which a bigger city with more jobs. I also plan on working part time to pay for tuition/dorm fees, and a small town like UP would have more competition and less jobs to offer, right?....</p>

<p>My parents are pushing me to go to the Naval Academy. I applied there, but I don't really want to go. I'd rather go through NROTC..... Penn State does research for the Navy or something? I heard something about that too .______.</p>

<p>I apologize for this jumbled mess of a post TT^TT</p>

<p>I know Penn State has a good IT program, but don’t know how it compares to other schools. There are plenty of jobs to have while a student at Penn State. If anything, my daughter there has had a hard time choosing between which one to take. She has two jobs currently - both through the university (so they do limit the amount of hours you can work if your a full time student and being paid by the university - one of two jobs concerns her major). However, her friends work at the local restaurants (one is a bar tender, the other a waitress) - both love their jobs.</p>

<p>I am a USNA Grad who is also a NAIO (Blue & Gold Officer) and a father of 2 current PSU students. I can’t advise you on the difference between PSU and UW IT programs. However, I can give you advice on USNA - If you don’t really want to go there, then don’t go. If you go there because your parents want you to go, guess what, your parents won’t report for Plebe Summer in late June and they won’t have to spend the entire rest of the summer being indoctrinated with 5:30 AM PT sessions and marching everywhere and no presonal freedom. Plebe Year and Plebe Summer are not the same as NASS. USNA is not for everyone. It is hard to be selected to attend USNA. There will be thousands of fine young people who don’t get offered an appointment who would are highly motivated to attend. You need to have a serious discussion with your parents about what you really desire in a college. People who go to USNA because their parents make them go usually hate it and leave for home after only a few weeks.</p>

<p>Well basically i have applied to PennState University Park for architecture and have been denied to go to main and architecture is only offered at main and now i dont know what to do. Is it possible to go to a branch as undeclared and transfer to main declared as architecture after one year? or what do you think is the best option to get into main without doin the 2+2. BTW architecture is a 5 year program</p>

I heard that the IT program at both schools are good. That’s why I’m having such a hard time deciding between the two TT^TT Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! I live on the west coast, so I have no idea what the atmosphere at the east coast schools are like. All I hear over here is UC-this and UC-that =____=</p>

I’ve never gone to NASS so I don’t know what kind of experience they have there. I’m planning on trying to send my sister there though.
I told my parents that I only applied in the first place because I didn’t want them to get upset. But because I got a nomination from my senator and my stats are higher than the average student there and have strong leadership positions in my ECs, my parents think that I’m going to get in. I’ve tried telling them that I want to have a normal college life at university that I want to go to, but they’re the typical Asian parents; they want me to go there because its “prestigious” and a good school. I’m sick and tired of my parents telling me what to do with my life and hope that they’ll realize I’m the one going to college, not them.
Thank you for taking the time to give me advice! It really does help a lot.</p>

I think that you can do that. You would have to check for the necessary classes you need for the architecture major and take those at the branch campus. A lot of people seem to transfer from branch campuses to UP through the 2+2 program thingy. It would be easier to transfer campuses than transfering from another school. Does that answer your question? This is only based on what I know, so make sure to ask other people too!</p>

Thank you for your answer, it basically kind of answers my question. Im going to speak with my counsler tomorrow, hopefully i am able to transfer after one year.</p>

<p>@sdog…I would also suggest going to a branch campus and then moving…it would be much less hassle…architecture program is really competitive to get in so you have to maintain high GPA at the branch campus, otherwise you might have to declare some other major when transferring, after all penn state’s undergraduate landscape architecture program is ranked 3rd nationally </p>

<p>@sdog I suggest doing what your parents are saying…if they think Univ of Washington has more prestige compared to Penn State, then there must be a reason for that…</p>

I heard that UDub and Penn State are pretty similar, though UDub is a bit better school. My biggest concern is which school has a good program that will help me learn what I need to learn. And that their respective city/town has the resources I need to get a job to pay for the rising cost of higher education…
My mom would prefer that I go to Penn State than UDub, but I think it’s because she’s getting Penn State and UPenn confused… lol</p>

<p>PSU ranked #1 in corporate recruiting, if that’s important to you.
If you applied to and are accepted into the SHC, the choice should be easy.
I saw your stats on another page. They are strong for the SHC (GPA, AP and honors class numbers). The leadership is a hook. However, I have not seen your essays or letters. Not saying this applies to you, but my experience reviewing letters (grad and undergrad applications) leads me to the conclusion that most people overestimate the strength of their letters. Very few are bad, the majority are good/very good (neutral), but few are excellent/outstanding.
Good luck</p>

I did not apply for the SHC in my application. I’m starting to get interested because I heard that they offer scholarship money to students in it. Is being in the SHC a harder academic experience? And does it make a big difference on my resume when applying for future jobs? Could I apply for it my sophomore year? I don’t know how different college is from high school, so I was a bit reluctant to try for the SHC; since I will be working as well, I’m not sure if I can handle the SHC and work.
What would you consider to be in an excellent letter/essay? I wrote my essay on how my first visit to the library helped start loving reading and pursuing knowledge. Is this a bland topic?
Thank you for the advice as well!</p>

<p>Well basically i called the admission couselers and asked them what to do. They told me that i would have to go in a branch campus as undeclared and then during freshman year to submit a application and portfolio to transfer and declare as architecture. If i do get accepted after that i would have to do another 5 years of that program. so basically 6 years of college.</p>