What should I do?

<p>I'm a senior in high school right now. Throughout high school, I've had a lot of rough stuff happen to me, including some moves and illnesses in the family. I lost motivation and became lazy at the end of 10th and especially eleventh grade. I just didn't do as much work, played video games, and slacked in general. I also took a course load that was way too hard for me in eleventh grade, so my grades suffered. The school I go to is a somewhat competitive, private, well-regarded one. </p>

<p>My grades are sort of all over the place. I have a few A's, a few B's, some C's (two or three if you count one C+), and an occasional D (three on my whole transcript- one in music). Most of my bad grades are in eleventh (my worst year). I didn't study for the SAT and got a 1200 (around 1800 all three). </p>

<p>So here I am at the end of the line realizing how much I screwed up my high school career. Boasting aside, I am a fairly intelligent kid. When I put in the work, I can do really well. I don't want to go to college with kids who aren't motivated or who don't care about their education and just want to party. I want to make something out of myself. So far I'm doing well again my senior year. But what about college?</p>

<p>If I get into only a mediocre college or bad college, get good grades, and then decide I want to transfer to a better college, what will my chances be? Am I doomed because of my high school record or can I still go to a good college? My goal would be to get a good education at a known, good school. I would like to have a clean slate. Should my plan be to transfer? </p>

<p>Thanks a lot</p>

<p>you definitely came to the right place because a lot of people on here were or are in your situation! i know people who had 2.0s in high school and did well in college then transfered to nyu and usc. </p>

<p>you’re transfer chances will be good if you go to a cc or 4 year and get good grades, and get involved, do extra-curricular activities etc. also write good essays for your applications.</p>

<p>you’re not doomed, so don’t worry! just get off to a good start where ever you go and most importantly don’t let any one make you feel bad for your high school mistakes.</p>

<p>good luck!</p>

<p>basically MichaelW summed it up, just bounce back, get good grades and transfer your way up with a little effort and determination you should be able to do it</p>

<p>thanks guys…gives me some hope heh</p>

<p>Totally agree with all above.</p>

<p>I would add that you would be wise to start your upward trajectory next term (if you haven’t already started). Being able to show transfer schools that you got on track in January of your senior year is better than waiting until freshman year in college.</p>

<p>you will of course be at a disadvantage applying to better schools than individuals who have a longer record of performance, but this disadvantage will dissipate as time goes along…certainly if you put in a couple of years wherever your at and got that 4.0 or somewhere close to it you would have a shot at a more known school</p>


<p>Study for and retake the SAT now as many colleges require it for transfer but don’t allow scores from after you enter college.</p>

<p>You are nowhere near doomed. You may not get into your dream college at first, but as long as you show a strong record in your college GPA, then you’ll have a good shot at transferring. Second chance for everyone!</p>