What should I do?!

<p>I went into nursing school just out of high school. I'm 20 now and I've completed 4 semesters of coursework, only two of which were nursing clinical courses. I have discovered that the nursing profession just isn't for me and I've decided to switch majors. I'm currently at a technical college.</p>

<p>I've always been really interested in psychology. I took courses in high school as well as two psychology courses in college. I have a passion for it and I'd really like to transfer for a 4-year university, get my bachelors, and then continue to work toward a masters and then a doctorate degree. My first question is this: what is it like studying psychology at a university? How intense/difficult is the coursework? What does it entail?</p>

<p>My big concern is money. I know it's better to do something you love and get paid little than do get paid a lot for doing something you hate. However, I also need to make a living. I didn't go into psych originally because I thought it was a useless degree, but I'd really love to not believe that. I don't want to end up at MacDonalds or a library the rest of my life. I know I'll have to start at the bottom and work up, but will I be able to make a living?</p>

<p>I feel good about dropping my nursing courses. My heart and head just isn't in it anymore. I have no desire to be a nurse. I'd love to work in business, or for the government, and I'd REALLY love to counsel people in an office setting. </p>

<p>What other majors are out there that have a good job outlook and a good salary range? Something in business, but not finance/accounting. I'm open to ideas. I have a few months before I really need a decision.</p>

<p>Management Information Systems, that’s one of the best well-rounded majors in business.</p>

<p>However, Human Resources sounds like a good fit for what you want to do.</p>